Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, May 23, 2009

35 Reasons to add Acai berries to your diet today

By M Taylor

1. Acai has a protein content which is higher, ounce for ounce than that of eggs. Protein is an essential part of our bodies, comprising a large part of our organs and tissues, as well as skin, hair and nails. Acai proves to be a great source of protein for the body.

2. Acai helps the body to detoxify - something for which it has been used for centuries.

3. Acai enhances muscle function and recovery following workouts thanks to its mineral and amino acid content. Which makes it a great supplement for those that exercise.

4. Acai's lipid content boosts your energy level - whether you play sports or just have a busy life, acai has the extra energy you need.

5. The acai berry can help to regulate stress levels.

6. The acai berry contains antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties which make it very beneficial in supporting fertility and sexual health. Who needs viagra when we can take acai...

7. Acai's compliment of vitamins and minerals strengthen the immune system, leading to overall better health.

8.Acai's antioxidant content can reduce the effects of aging by protecting your cells from free radicals.

9.The antioxidants in acai can also help to prevent prostate enlargement.

10. The high calcium content of the acai berry helps improve bone health, preventing fractures and osteoporosis. Acai does a body good!

11. Acai's calcium content also helps reduce menstrual pain and associated menstrual bloating - welcome news to women.

12. Acai is very good for your heart. The anthocynanins (such as 3-glucoside) help your body to produce the nitric oxide that it needs to ensure good circulation and the polyphenols found in this nutritious little berry are powerful heart-healthy antioxidants.

13. The essential fatty acids in acai help to boost your levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, while lowering bad (LDL) cholesterol.

14. The sterols and anthocyanins in acai help to maintain circulatory health, strengthening arteries and veins and regulating blood pressure.

15. Acai's benefits to the circulatory system include strengthening the capillaries, which can help to prevent diabetes related retinopathy, which can lead to blindness. Acai is also beneficial for diabetics in that it is a low GI food which can improve the glucose and lipid levels in diabetics.

16. As a low GI food, acai also helps to control appetite, making acai a great food for people trying to lose weight.

17. Acai boosts immune function - the Journal of Sports Medicine recently published a study showing that the beta-sitoserol content in acai regulates lymphocyte function and counteracts immune suppression.

18. Acai's antioxidant properties also help support your immune system by preventing damage done to cells by free radicals.

19.The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties of acai help to prevent disease.

20. Acai has anti-mutagenic properties; it can prevent DNA damage from mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds.

21. The high fiber content of acai supports healthy digestive function.

22. Acai can help treat acid reflux disease (GERD). The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants in acai can help to repair the damage done by GERD and can also reduce stomach acidity.

23. Acai can help fight the ulcer causing bacteria H. pylori, helping to treat ulcers.

24. The anti-inflammatory properties of acai can control the symptoms of Chron's disease.

25. Acai helps keep your skin looking smoother and more youthful - acai's anthocyanins and phytosterols protect skin and connective tissues like collagen from wrinkles and damage.

26. Acai is rich in antioxidants, which lowers risk of some types of cancers, including stomach, lung, skin and breast cancers.

27. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce arthritis pain.

28. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can also help to alleviate the symptoms of asthma.

29. A 2004 Archives of Neurology study found that a diet rich in vitamin C and in vitamin E (note: both vitamins are abundant in acai berries) can reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

30. Acai contains the vitamin C and beta carotene your eyes need for proper function; vitamins which also help to prevent macular degeneration in diabetics.

31. Acai is beneficial to dental health as well - the calcium content helps strengthen and whiten teeth, as well as helping to prevent gingivitis and other diseases of the gums.

32. The omega-3 fatty acids in acai help maintain mental clarity and alertness.

33. Acai's B vitamins help you to get a better night's sleep, lower stress and produce the appropriate levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin.

34. Acai Promotes overall good health and wellness.

35. While acai does not cure diseases per se, acai helps the body to heal itself by supplying it woith the nutrition it needs to support good health. - 17269

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