Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, May 18, 2009

I've Got an Emergency, How Can I Hide This Bruise?

By Carolyn Cooper

It rarely ever fails. Although youre responsibly taking your Bruises Be Banned to help in reducing or preventing bruises, no product is 100% effective all of the time. The day when you have an outdoor happening to go to, or you're just going out to enjoy the first great spring day of the year in a short skirt and a sleeveless blouse, you glance down and discover that you have a big, blotchy bruise on your arm or your calf. Bruises are a great way to get lots of unwanted looks and lots of unneeded questions, but just remember that it's not necessary to cover up in a long skirt or a long sleeved top. Just take the time to pillage your cosmetics bags, because it is entirely possible to cover over bruises, even the ones that are beginning to turn black and blue.

First off, we need to attempt to reduce the bruise's swelling as much as possible. A washcloth packed with ice will help get this done, or a washcloth soaked in ice water could probably do the same thing. Keep this treatment to less than fifteen minutes or so, or you could find yourself becoming really uncomfortable. This process will help you reduce any noticeable swelling, and if you are really fortunate, it may even cause the bruise to fade a little by breaking up the blood clot just below the skin.

Now we need to consider what the colors of the bruise are. If you're seeing a lot of blue in the bruise, use a concealer that has a little more yellow in it than what you would normally use. When you choose a concealer that works well for you (ideally, you will use one that is creamy or a liquid), rub it over the bruised area. Feather the edges of the concealer outside the edges of the bruise. This will give you a more normal look, other than just a splotch of color that might look just as apparent as the bruise itself.

After the concealer has dried thoroughly, check to see if you need another application. If you applied it very thinly, you might. You may want to use some setting powder on top of the concealer. This will aid keeping the concealer from brushing off or flaking. This will also reduce any shine that you have to be concerned about on your bruise. Use of a number 1 brush works very nicely to this effect.

If you going to be dealing with smaller bruises, you might want to forgo the concealer and use eye shadow instead. Whatever your skin color, make certain that you are only using cosmetics that are designed for own skin tone. For example, if you are trying to hide bruises with a harsh red or purple tint, consider using a suitable green eye shadow to reduce the heat of the hot colors, but if your bruises shade more towards blue, consider using more of the yellows.

There are a host of tips and tricks that can be used to hide bruises. But you should always remember that you should be looking for a solution to eliminate bruises entirely, but you should also keep a few tips at hand just in case of an emergency. - 17269

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