Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lose Weight Through Exercise Plus Optimum Nutrition

By Diana Alexander

Right now in the United States obesity and being overweight has reached just about epidemic proportions. Our lifestyles are deskbound and we consume too many nutritionally vacant foods in the Standard American Diet. We don't work out enough and we eat too much.

Our bodies have evolved throughout history to shield us from famine. That means that our bodies unsurprisingly conserve fat and energy to keep us alive in case there is no food obtainable. However competent our bodies might be at doing this the fact is that these days the only deprivation that we ever experience is the self-imposed one from the limiting diets that we go on.

However, our bodies cannot distinguish between a famine and a restrictive diet. We start dieting and our biology sabotages us by slowing down our metabolism and conserving every little bit of fat and energy that it can. That is one rationale why our dieting efforts get more and more grueling with every ensuing diet.

The resolution to the dilemma may be as straightforward as to discontinue the diet roller-coaster and start eating. In other words, start working with your ordinary biology and begin eating the way your body was intended to eat.

It's much more than just starting to eat naturally again. We must redefine what "normal" eating is. The Standard American Diet or as it is also known SAD contributes fundamentally to our problems with obesity and overweight. Our bodies were never intended to eat the standard fare of processed, nutritionally void and unwholesome foods that is so plentiful in our culture and that many of us are used to.

Human beings were designed to eat the obviously nutritious, beneficial foods from nature. This earth that we live on provides the foods that are optimal for our bodies including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and even fish and lean meats. The less processed and more natural a food is the healthier and more wholesome it is for our bodies.

Our bodies were also designed to move about and keep fit. Our ancestors spent most of their days up and about, moving around and our bodies are designed for that. If you aspire to lose weight and become healthier the solution is to embrace both a healthful diet with optimum nutrition and an exercise plan.

Fighting obesity, losing weight for good and creating optimum fitness starts with including the healthiest foods in nature into your diet and incorporating an work out plan into your life. You will see the outcome and your body will thank you. - 17269

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