Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Losing Weight After Pregnancy

By Steve Esquire

Pregnancy brings so many changes to a woman's body. Some woman fly right thru their pregnancy and drop the wieght like nothing. Others have a tougher time as they now have two full time jobs. Be as it may, you just have to work a bit harder and you can have it all. You should look at your diet, you know you have to exercise and why not recuperate with massage chair therapy?

The body during pregnancy goes through some tremendous changes. There is a build up of weight gain for most women until child birth. Immediately after giving birth women will have excess weight, but remember two lives were just being supported. At least during the first three weeks after birth, weight will drop do to heavier than normal sweating and more frequent urination as the body lessens the level of fluid.

If you are not the lucky type of woman that just soars through pregnancy like nothing happened, then prepare yourself to reclaim your body. Remember, Mom is important and not just baby. You need to think about how you will take care of yourself and put the effort in to lose weight when needed.

Is anyone not giving advice about losing weight? You can find many suggestions, but like anything, it starts with the basics. We have heard them all before. You will hear them again. Diet. Exercise. Massage Therapy. Write them down and memorize them, because you will see them again.

Start with your diet. Do you eat fresh or processed foods? Be real and honest. The diet is a function of budget and cooking experience. You can either afford to buy prepared healthy foods or make them yourself. Find a way to incorporate FRESH food. These are the ones that are not frozen. Use frozen meats like chicken and fish and make with vegetables. Get an indoor Grill instead of deep frying.

The problem with fast food is it contains high levels of sodium. Sodium helps to retain water. A good portion of the weight gain in pregnancy is water weight. Water intake is essential in flushing out the toxins of our bodies. Replace any soda or juice drinks, which contain sugar, with mineral water.

The next important step is exercise. First, get your physicians approval for when exercise is appropriate for you. Go for a walk! It is the perfect exercise. Your baby will love it too. Push the stroller and get your baby used to going out with you. It is a win-win.

One way to help shed some pounds is with breast feeding. Breast feeding can negate up to 500 calories of intake per day. This is a dieting dream. Breast feeding makes diet and nutrition even more important as your intake is for two. You can consult with your doctor about how you can go about losing weight and breastfeeding.

Over the ages, massage treatments have been used to help the body recover and heal. Diet and exercise are incomplete without the healing cycle. After pregnancy, now the baby's schedule dictates when things are done. Taking time out to get a quick massage is near impossible without a massage chair. Let your body recover and relieved with massage chair therapy. Remember, tomorrow you can do it all over again.

One of the toughest things to do during and after pregnancy is checking your weight. Most women fear the worst. Weight has such a psychological and emotional baggage with it. Women can't believe they are just gaining weight so fast during pregnancy while they worked their whole life to not have it. Be realistic with your weight loss targets. Just a hint, it did take you nine months to gain it.

Check with your physician and get their suggestions on how you can regain your pre-pregnancy figure. Consult your physician about these suggestions, to find out the proper nutrition, diet, exercise program and massage chair therapy that you have in mind. - 17269

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