Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What are Organic Chickens and What Are the Benefits of Eating Them?

By Andrea Kristi

It is not a secret to anyone that chicken is healthier than a fried burger. If you are really health-conscious, buying organic chicken is your best choice and here is why.

Buying conventionally raised chicken is not always the best idea, because farmers often use arsenic in the chicken feed. Arsenic is a poison, which exposure has been linked to certain types of cancer, heart disease, liver disease and many other health problems.

Another study has shown that if pregnant women expose themselves to arsenic, their children may have higher chances of getting cancer later in life.

Government researchers found that arsenic levels in young chicken may be up to four times higher than in other poultry.

Arsenic is a very dangerous poison, which can also be deadly. Even though the chicken industry claims that the amounts of arsenic used in the organic chickens feed is safe, many experts are convinced that no amount of arsenic is safe.

If you buy organic chicken, you may be sure that you are not going to be exposed to even small levels of arsenic. Organic chickens are fed with natural feed which is not genetically or chemically altered. They are raised on natural vegetarian diets and are kept on pesticide-free soils. No antibiotics, growth hormones or any other medication is given to organic chicken. Organic free-range chickens get regular access to fresh air and sun and they have plenty of space to move.

Chicken that can run freely and are living healthier lives, have used muscles, instead of wasted muscles. Organic chicken and their eggs have a richer taste; they have high beneficial fats and higher amounts of Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

If you cant afford to buy organic chicken on a regular basis, check local farmers markets. They often offer organic or free-range chicken for cheaper than supermarkets or specialized organic food stores.

Even if you dont care about your health and dont mind getting exposed to arsenic, give organic chickens a try anyway. If you experience their rich taste, you may never want to buy any other chicken again. - 17269

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