Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, May 25, 2009

Increase Your Weight Loss At The Exercise Room Today

By Lee Wells

It seems that the majority of us want to lose weight and get fit. In our efforts to do so we often start an exercise program or join a gym. But how many people do you see at the gyms who never seem to make any progress at all? It's not going to the gym that will get you in shape but rather what you do at the gym that makes all of the difference.

If you are going to see any results from an exercise program you are going to have to work hard and break a sweat. That means getting your heart rate up into the target zones and keeping it there. There is some evidence that if you keep your heart rate at the lower end of the zone for a longer period of time that your body will actually burn more fat than carbohydrates, however, that does not necessarily translate to weight loss.

Burning fat stores as an energy source when you exercise is not nearly as important as the amount of calories that you burn altogether. For instance you may burn 350 calories from fat during an easy 60 minute workout but if you add in some challenging high intensity intervals during that same 60 minutes you could end up burning 750 to 1000 calories or more and that will help your body lose weight much more efficiently.

High intensity interval training is extremely effective for fat loss. The idea is to get your heart rate into the target heart training zone and then for 30 to 60 second intervals work really hard and raise your heart rate to the higher ends of the zone and then let it come back down to the lower ends and repeat a few times. If you do high intensity interval training you can even cut your workout time by half or more and still burn more calories and have more success.

To determine your target heart rate training zone, take 220 and subtract your age, then take that number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This will give you an estimate of your target-training zone. You will need to keep your heart rate in this zone during your workout for the best results.

If you want to drop fat and lose weight for the long-term you will need to pump some iron. Building more muscle is key to long-term weight loss success. Muscle tissue is biologically active and you will burn more calories in daily life just by having more muscle tissue. Fat is basically an inert substance and it does not boost your calorie burn whatsoever.

But the most important aspect to getting results at the gym and losing fat actually happens outside of the gym. It has been said that 6-pack abs are not built at the gym but rather they are built in the kitchen. Diet is the most important aspect of any fitness plan. You can exercise all day long but if you have a poor diet you will not see any results. If you want to get into shape, make sure that you are consuming healthy nutritious foods on a regular basis and that you are avoiding the junk and nutritionally empty foods that are so prevalent in our society.

You can achieve maximum fat loss by following these few fundamentals. Incorporate some challenging HIIT into your cardio routine, follow a good weight-training regimen and improve your diet. You will start seeing the results before you know it. - 17269

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