Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Workouts To Burn Fat: Useful Advice for Building Muscle

By Brad Morgan

If you have a busy life ? and most people do ? you know that it can be hard to find time to exercise. The demands of children, work, or school can keep you from sticking to your goal to burn fat.

An alternative many people turn to is short workouts. Do three or four ten minute workouts produce the same effects as one long one?

You often hear that it takes the body about twenty minutes to start burning serious calories and fat, so wouldn't that make shorter workouts ineffective? What is the best way to burn fat on a tight schedule?

The American Heart Association has found that several short exercise sessions benefit your body just as well as one long session, provided that they equal the same amount of time.

This means that if you do four ten minute workouts, you are doing the same great things for your body that a single forty minute workout can do. To make it even more effective, the AHA recommends that you make these short workouts as intense as possible.

So the key to making your short workouts count is to make sure they are rigorous and challenging to your body. Here are some ways you can do this:

1. Run like the wind.

With a short workout, go faster than you normally do during a long workout. Run for ten minutes at a fast pace. If you prefer to walk, go much more briskly than you usually do. The key is to get your heart going.

2. Hop on the treadmill or elliptical.

If you are at the gym or have equipment at home, jump on and exercise extremely rigorously for ten minutes.

3. Hills and stairs are made for climbing.

Sprint up a hill or staircase. Walk down more slowly. At the bottom, sprint up again. Repeat for ten minutes.

4. Try some jumping jacks.

5. Jump rope.

What makes a good ten minute workout is intensity. Work hard, go all out, and you'll burn fat. Strength training is also great for your mini-workouts.

Your body needs a variety of activities in order to burn fat. Warm up for a few minutes with light cardio, and try the following moves:

* Squats ? these are the moves to get the most out of your workout. They are very effective.

* Pushups

* Bicep curls

* Tricep dips

* Squats. Squats are one of the most effective moves to tone your lower body.

Do a few sets each, or better yet, combine the moves (compound moves work more effectively and build more muscle). You can try squats with overhead presses, lunges with chest presses, knee lifts with tricep kickbacks, and more.

It is also important to warm up and cool down. They don't have to be extensive ? simply walking briskly for a few minutes is sufficient for warming up, and moving a more slowly is fine for cooling down. Stretching before and after you exercise also helps loosen your muscles and prevent injury.

If you can only fit in short workouts into your schedule, you are doing great things for your body. Above all, you will burn fat and lose weight.

Short workouts are also very motivating. You know you can do ten minutes, so you stick with your workout regimen.

Doing a forty minute workout can be a hardship when you have a busy schedule. But ten minutes is manageable for everyone. - 17269

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