Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fibromyalgia Symptoms - Covered Up As Flu

By Pat Colapinto

Fibromyalgia afflicts approximately 5% of the population. The majority of these are women. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome. The most common Fibromyalgia symptoms and diagnostic tool are the widespread pain. The pain associated with fibromyalgia can range in intensity from mild to severe. The severe end of the spectrum can be debilitating and disabling. In its milder forms, fibromyalgia is similar to the flu. The muscles and other soft tissues of the body just ache constantly.

Besides widespread pain, fibromyalgia has other symptoms associated with it also. The other main symptom is fatigue. Remember how you felt the last time you had the flu or a severe cold. Fibromyalgics experience that run down, tired feeling the majority of the time. The fatigue is usually caused by the lack of deep sleep. Deep sleep is when the body restores itself. Constant sleep disturbances from widespread pain does not allow for those afflicted with fibromyalgia to enter into deep sleep. Thus, even after sleeping for ten to twelve hours, a fibromyalgic does not feel refreshed.

People with fibromyalgia also suffer from chronic headaches. These headaches come in two main forms, but a person with fibromyalgia can also suffer from a combination of the two. The first type, called tension headaches, is caused by the continuous contractions of the muscles in the neck, upper back, shoulders and jaw. These contractions cause the muscles to tense. The tension leads to pain beginning in the neck and spreading to the temples. The other type, migraines, is caused by the constriction of the blood vessels. Stress and anxiety causes the blood vessels to slow circulation to the brain. Then, suddenly, the vessels dilate again which causes the pain.

Another symptom associated with fibromyalgia is costochondrities. This is the inflammation of the cartilage that attaches the breast plate to the rib cage. Costochondritis is a less common symptom of fibromyalgia.

Constochondritis can last for months and chronic conditions are not unusual for fibromyalgia patients. - 17269

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