Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Good and the Bad News About Hoodia Gordonii

By Kari Gambale

Lesly Stahl of 60 Minutes gave a report about Hoodia Gordonii on November 21, 2004. She reported that Hoodia Gordonii happens to be a purely natural appetite suppressant. Scientists believe that the brain is tricked into thinking you are full when, in fact, you have only eaten a little bit.

You will find that Hoodia Gordonii is a small, succulent plant that only grows in the South African Kalahari Desert. It resembles a pickle that is covered in spines. This plant grows very slowly and actually takes four or five years before the plant can be harvested. It contains a special active ingredient that is able to suppress a persons appetite. It is 10,000 times more potent than glucose. The San People originally used this natural product for centuries to stave off hunger and thirst during their long and arduous hunting expeditions.

For those people who are thinking about a new diet pill or an alternative product for weight loss, they should become fully informed about the long and the short term side effects of Hoodia Gordonii. Is there any reaction with this supplement and other drugs? Many weight conscious people are keenly aware of this plants incredible appetite suppressing qualities. However, most people are oblivious of the potential long term side effects of Hoodia Gordonii.

The Good News

The good news about Hoodia Gordonii is that it has not demonstrated any short-term harmful side effects. There have been no reports made from people in the West about any dangerous side effects that this may have. Facts have proven that when pure Hoodia Gordonii is taken regularly at an optimal dosage between 750mg and 1500 mg were found to consume 1,000 calories less each day when compared with the control group. When animals were used in experiments concerning Hoodia Gordonii, their food consumption was reduced by about 40%.

The Bad News

In the overall history of Hoodia Gordonii, it is way too early to tell in relation to the modern consumer because there have not been any studies conducted to evaluate the possible side effects that this diet supplement can have on a long term basis. Until more clinical trials are administered to a large, random group of varying racial makeup, we will just have to wait and see what the outcome will be. There would still be no knowledge about how Hoodia Gordonii will affect pregnant women, young obese children or people suffering from chronic conditions such as liver disease, diabetes, heart disease and kidney disease.

There is another point that you should keep in mind when thinking about any harmful side effects that Hoodia Gordonii may have. Some of them may be brought about by either abuse or misuse. Here is an example. Someone who is suffering from an eating disorder may find herself in harms way after she has taken this product for several weeks. How? When she does not feel up to eating, her health may suffer because she is lacking proper nutrients for her body. Unknown damage may be done to your body when you take supplements to suppress your appetite. How can people prevent this from happening to them? Thats easy. Just compliment Hoodia Gordonii with daily exercise as well as a balanced diet.

Before trying any Hoodia Gordonii supplements, you are going to have to do some research beforehand. Diet supplements can cause confusion to say the least. By going directly to the source in order to receive unbiased information and research regarding all diet supplements, which will include Hoodia Gordonii, only then will you be able to make an intelligent decision.

If you happen to be searching for high quality Hoodia Gordonii from a trusted and reputable company, then try to read product reviews in addition to testimonials about Hoodia. If you have the Internet, this will be easy for you to do as you will have all of the information at your finger tips. If you do not have an Internet connection, then try looking for Hoodia Gordonii at your local library. - 17269

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