Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, June 26, 2009

Six Week Body Makeover

By Rico Kidd

Knowing what type of body you have is the first step in weight loss. Learning what type of body you have will help you know what types of foods you should consume to assist you in losing weight. The key to losing weight is eating smart, not eating less.

The first step in the body makeover diet is to know your body structure. Your body structure is unique and can be categorized into four different types: A, B, C or D. The body blue print asks you 48 questions about your weight loss goals, exercise activities, where you gain weight and eating habits.

Type A bodies have very sluggish metabolisms and these type of people have struggled with weight gain their whole lives. These people should eat less simple and complex carbohydrates and should eat more seafood (white fish) and lean meats such as turkey/chicken breast.

People with B bodies tend to have more lean muscle and an easier time gaining lean muscle mass. Type B people have higher metabolisms than Type A's, however, these people still have problems losing weight as their metabolisms are not quite at the point where their bodies burn off as many calories as they take in. People that have a B body need to stay away from rice, pasta and processed carbs. Type C people have similar bodies to Type B people, the only difference is that C people can eat more carbohydrates as their lean muscle mass tends to burn off calories faster than B people.

D body types have very slow metabolisms due to a lack of lean muscle mass. They should stay away from most carbohydrates and focus on eating protein rich foods such as red meat and chicken. A sample recipe for a D body is a New York steak with steamed garden vegetables.

Knowing what type of body you have is the first step in weight loss. Taking the blue print is an important part of the body makeover diet. You will start losing weight once you know what types of foods work well with your body. - 17269

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