Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 31, 2009

4 Things You Should Not Be Doing To Get Toned Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is a lot of controversy on the best way to tone arms. Somehow, even the experts have come up with different ways for getting results. Some of these ways are valid, some are not.

And there is a grain of truth to this. Why? Because the authorities' sources of information are never black and white.

What is the source? Research studies. You might think that research is like math, one plus one equals two. Unfortunately, research is almost never clear cut like this. It's usually open to interpretation.

So today I plan on clearing up some of the confusion. Here are 4 things to avoid when trying to tone up your arms:

1. Having too much fish oil. Some experts have recommended up to 30 grams of daily fish oil consumption! Unbelievable. Having more than 3 grams a day puts you at risk for atherosclerosis because the omega-3 can oxidize.

2. Not keeping the peanut butter cool. A mold called aspergillus can grow on nuts and legumes if they are kept in warm and humid environments. So make sure you store ALL your nuts and nut butters in the fridge. Although aspergillus poisoning may not be as common as the flu, a single case of it will set your toned arms mission many steps back.

3. Having any amount of partially hydrogenated oils. The research at Harvard is conclusive: trans fats kill, period. I recommend a zero trans fat policy-without exception. If you see the words "partially hydrogenated", "trans fat", or "vegetable shortening", throw it away.

4. Avoiding plant-based saturated fat. Not all saturated fat is created equal. In fact, plant saturated fats can be extremely healthy for you. Coconut, for instance, long believed to be unhealthy, should be considered a superfood.

All the advice you hear may change slightly over the years. Why? Because science and research is constantly changing. We never have a clear cut answer as to how things work. A lot of the recommendations are based on projections and extrapolations. Nevertheless, if you want to tone arms, you have to keep on making progress regardless. Never stop! - 17269

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