Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Benefits and Side Effects of Acai Berry

By Jessica Matias

Acai berries are indigenous to the Amazon rainforest in Brazil and wasn't known to the Americans until recently when nutritionists and health experts discovered its health benefits. The fruit is said to be part of the regular diet of the natives of the Amazon for centuries already and is considered to be the number one antioxidant today.

Our body needs antioxidants to cleanse our system of various toxins. Antioxidants help fight cancer cells and rid the body of the toxins from the food that we eat and the pollutants that we encounter on a daily basis. One of the benefits of the acai berry is its high antioxidant content which is 300 percent more than antioxidants from other fruits. Presence of more antioxidants in the body mean a healthier body. It isn't a wonder, then, that the native people of the Amazon rainforest are free of the harmful toxins that cause various diseases.

Acai berry is also a beneficial way to fight obesity. Great, isn't it? Due to our unhealthy food and lifestyle, obesity is one of the major problems nowadays. With the combination of antioxidants, amino and essential fatty acids that help burn fats, obesity may no longer be much of a problem because of acai berry. The fruit will help people with obesity problems achieve the balanced weight that's just perfect for their body.

Acai berry can help boost our immune system to fight diseases. Again, because acai berry has a great amount of antioxidants, toxins are flushed out of the body. Combined with other essential acids, it can be an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent which is a great boost for our immune system. This can be achieved when acai berry becomes part of our regular diet.

To prevent heart diseases, our body should have low levels of bad cholesterol known as LDL which is a big threat to the heart. On the other hand, our body should maintain high level of good cholesterol known as HDL to promote a healthy heart. Acai berry can help fight bad cholesterol and maintain a considerable amount of the good ones. Vitamins A, D, E and K are better absorbed with the help of acai berry as well.

It shouldn't be unbelievable to note that acai berry also helps in attaining good eyesight. Yes, it contains antioxidant known as anthocyanins, commonly found in bilberries, that can relieve eye strain and improve eyesight. Other eye diseases such as glaucoma can also be prevented with the combination of anthocyanins and other antioxidants found in acai berry.

When it comes to stamina, acai berry is also a great help. It's really simple. When your body is healthy and free from diseases combined with a great immune system, it has more capacity to provide you more energy which can help you gain more stamina. Simple, right? This is a must for athletes. So if you are one, why not try eating acai berries before your game and see the results?

After enumerating the wondrous benefits of acai berry, let us explore the possible side effects of it. As already mentioned earlier, prior to the discovery of this fruit by the United States, the natives of the Amazon rainforest have been eating it for hundreds of years now. Thus far, there have been no reported negative effects of their continued consumption.

One thing that's been observed though is that you'll lose your appetite after consuming this fruit. I don't think that it's a side effect for most people. Those who doesn't want to gain weight will view this as a positive thing. But again, it's still a side effect for some.

Another thing that is considered a negative effect is the cost of buying products containing acai berry. With the increasing demand, acai berry products may cost a lot for the average consumer. Due to its gaining popularity, numerous manufacturers have already entered the acai berry bandwagon. So, while there is no significant side effects related to the consumption of the raw acai berry fruit, the same can not be said of the supplements and processed acai berries sold in the market nowadays that may contain other substances, such as caffeine. It would be prudent to check out the ingredients and nutrition facts before purchasing.

Rather than be influenced by the craze over acai berry, always remember to weigh the benefits against the side effects before purchasing products. I'm sure, though, that the positive effects will outweigh the side effects of acai berry. - 17269

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