Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bodybuilding Basics - Eating for Strength and Muscle Gains

By Barry M. Newman

Every successful bodybuilder understands that nutrition is a key component of any training program. Following correct nutritional practices will provide you with a stable amount of energy needed for daily activities and for each training session. Having an excellent nutrition base and enough rest are vital for ongoing bodybuilding success. Not following a sound nutritional plan will just limit your potential muscle gains and may put to waste all your effort and time invested on training.

Catherine Ratzin Jackson, author of the book "Nutrition for the Recreational Athlete", explains that eating habits of bodybuilders aren't usually based on correct nutritional principles. She adds that bodybuilders are accustomed to get advice from magazine tips and nutrition store 'experts'. These sources are sometimes biased and do not provide detailed information on nutrition; topics such as calorie intake, protein requirements and foods for weight loss are often discussed hastily. Below are concise nutritional guidelines essential for bodybuilding success:

1. Avoid rapid weight loss. Rapid weight loss can result in the loss of lean body tissue and make it very difficult to increase muscle size and strength. Extreme weight loss often results from starvation or low-calorie diets, and may result in electrolyte imbalances, water and important lean body mass. High protein, low-fat diets can be harmful to your health and may prevent you from achieving your ideal body weight.

2. Use calculations to determine your protein requirements. Protein is essential for building strength, but you won't be able to achieve any results with your bodybuilding routine if you're eating too much or too little protein; the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of protein is 0.8g/ kg per day for sedentary individuals, and 1.0-1.5 g/kg for athletes. You will need to start reading the nutrition labels of different foods to make sure you are getting enough protein in the diet.

3. Get used to eating organic. The best foods we can eat are still unprocessed, natural foods. Eating foods from plant and animal sources that are loaded with nutrients is the often-neglected key to bodybuilding success. Our bodies cannot efficiently digest meal replacements and supplements. Better stick to real food so that your body will get all the nutrients it needs to develop.

4. Use supplements sparingly. Supplements are now in the mainstream of sports. Taking supplements can help in most cases but be careful as some supplements have negative side effects. In addition, supplements are really not that essential. What's essential are a proper nutrition and efficient training programs.

5. Pay attention to the foods you eat before and after your workout session. These are your primetime muscle building periods, so it's essential to keep track of what and when you're eating. Maintain a food log if necessary so you can become more conscientious about your food choices and get the timing right. - 17269

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