Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Butt Exercise Myths

By Ryan Parker

Those who have tried to exercise their butts and get it in shape will know that it is an uphill challenge. The sheer effort that is required for getting sustainable gains in your butt area are very big in comparison to other parts of your body. It can be said that the gains are almost disproportional to the results that you gain. Those who are in the know will understand and learn to accept this but many still think they can achieve great results without the hard work.

It is made even worst when normal health and fitness fans are provided with information that isn't exactly correct and at the very least inefficient. Most of the information that is provided in health and fitness magazines and even exercise journals isn't correct to build and mold the butt. They will work to strengthen your butt but will do precious little in the way of shaping it the way you want. Below we are going to list a few myths that we think has done a great injustice to those who want to improve the appearance of their butt.

As indicated above one of the greatest myths is that you can get good results even if you don't put in a lot of effort, or that you can get good results with little effort if you follow a certain routine or use a certain product that is being marketed to you. The simple truth is that you will not be able to gain any substantial change if you don't put in enough effort. By enough I mean a lot more effort than you think you can muster up even now. The muscles in the butt area are some of the strongest and most resilient muscles in the body. They play a pivotal role in the keeping the body upright and helping us in our mobility. It is because of this strength and resilience that extra effort is required for sustainable change.

One other common myth that have wasted many people's time and probably money is that you can use lighter weights to "tone" your butt muscles back into shape. This is only true for people who have really underutilized butt muscles where even the slightest exercise will cause some improvements. If you use light weights your butt muscles will very quickly adapt themselves to it and your shaping will basically stop when the muscles can handle the weight efficiently. No amount of extra reps will build or tone the muscles anymore. It is only by increasing your resistance or in this case making your reps harder, than and only than you can develop your butt muscles further. Working at the same weights and at the same reps will result in the same butt, think about that.

Another terrible myth is that you can actually spot reduce the fat on your butt. There are so many advertisements and products that claim that it can do this; they are all lies. There is no way that you can work your butt muscles in such a way that it will draw the fat from the butt. The two systems are quite independent of each other. The only way you can reduce the amount of fat on your butt is to maintain a caloric deficit so that your body can feed off the fat reserves in your butt to reduce the size.

When looking at the two myths above together you will find that doing light weights and spot training is quite a waste of time. The two will gain you mediocre results at best. The light weights that you do for a resistance butt exercise will mean that you will build muscle only to a certain small degree then stop progression. If you increase the number of reps then you will be moving from an anaerobic type to an aerobic type exercise which again will unlikely to be efficient.

The basic thing to remember with butt exercise and butt shaping is that it isn't easy and anything or anyone that tells you otherwise is a lying scoundrel. You must be ready to accept that it is a hard thing to do and that you will have to put in quite a lot of effort in order to gain the results that you are looking for. There are other tips that we provide in our website and we suggest that you give us a visit if you really want results. The address is available in the resource box below. - 17269

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