Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, July 27, 2009

Know Your Body Type To Improve Your Body Building Success

By Kyle Peters

Body building can be a difficult sport at the best of times but one way to improve your chances of success is to know your body type. Knowing this will tell you how you are going to respond to the weight training and exercise program and allow any modifications necessary to increase your success. Often it can be just a simple process of looking in a mirror and studying your features to determine your type.

The first group we will look at are those known as endomorphs. Classically these are tall and skinny people whom find that no matter how hard they train or how much they eat they find it difficult to put on any lean muscle mass.

The biggest advantage with this group, however, that it is also difficult to gain fat as well as muscle. The advantage of this is that once you do start to put on muscle it will be lean muscle with very little fat which will give a good ripped look. In this scenario you do not have to actually put on as much muscle as you will look bigger due to the higher definition.

The mesomorphs are the next group of people. Often they are naturally more muscular, short, squat and heavier. I have come across a lot of these people who say they only have to look at a weight and put on muscle.

For mesomorphs a less intense workout program will often result in excellent lean muscle mass gains. However, the danger is also increasing fat tissue, and therefore it is vital to have a higher proportion of protein in the daily calorie intake than the endomorphs.

The ideal amount of daily intake of protein for endomorphs is around 2g per kilogram of body weight. It is also important to increase general calorie intake to stimulate an anabolic state.

Great gains can be had by both body types but those with an ectomorphic body will be required to work harder in the gym to stimulate increased muscle growth and increase their calorie intake. Those with a mesomorphic body type should be careful about increasing fat tissue and may find they cycle between bulking up by increasing muscle and fat and then cutting down calories to lose that fat. - 17269

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