Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Great Workouts For Flat Abs

By Tom Albright

It seems that everyone wants to have flat abs, and it is possible to have the body shape you desire. The modern lifestyle has been largely responsible for our flabby bellies, but the good news is that we can do something about it. The best workout for flat abs can be done at home, by making some changes to your lifestyle and eating habits.

It all starts with what you eat. Yes, of course you have heard it all before! That's because it is correct. We eat too much and move too little. To lose that rounded belly, we need to burn fat and build muscle. The best way to do that is to eat less and move more; we need to burn more calories than we eat each day.

To begin your flat abs workout you need to take control of your diet. Eating 5 or 6 smaller meals a day helps you to avoid feeling hungry and keeps your metabolism working hard. Protein builds muscle, so a diet that includes plenty of lean protein is good for your flat belly. Eat chicken (no skin), canned or fresh fish, beans and lentils, nuts and no-fat dairy.

You need a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and fat, so eat vegetables, fruit, wholegrain cereals and breads to get your carbs, and nuts for the good fats. You need a minimum 8 glasses of water a day, sufficient sleep and rest and to stay away from fast food and anything that is overly processed.

You need to start getting active to burn extra calories and fat. Make a decision to have 30 minutes of activity every day, but make 5 of these cardio sessions. Increased heart rate and breathing is what makes a cardio session, and you need to maintain this for 20 minutes, allowing time for a warm up and cool down. Cardio exercise burns extra fat and calories and builds muscle. What's more, it makes you feel good!

Strength training and specific abs exercises are among the best workout for flat abs. Strength training focusing on muscles in the torso, including the abdominals, will strengthen the core, improve coordination and balance and enable you to perform more difficult abs exercises. Always warm up before strength training, with some light cardio and stretches, and do the same to cool down afterwards.

You can use weight machines at a gym for strength training, but you can also do strength exercises at home, using your body weight for the resistance needed to build new muscle fiber. Good exercises include the plank, the side plank and oblique or twisted crunches. If you go online you will find numerous ideas for strengthening abs exercises to use as part of your best workout for flat abs program. - 17269

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