Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, July 3, 2009

Methods For Burning Off The Belly Fat

By Jason Penn

If you are paying attention, we are bombarded with all types of diet offers promising massive, natural weight loss. You can find diets such as the south beach diet, atkins diet, juice diet, maple syrup diet, low carb diet and many more being advertised all over the internet and on television. Because of all the plethora of diets out there, it can be quite hard determining which diet program works best for your particular weight loss goal. One goal that a lot of overweight people have in common is the goal of losing that large belly. Listed below are a few tips that will help you shed fat around the stomach area.

The first thing that you must do is control your calorie intake. Putting thought into what you choose to eat is not fun for anyone. However, keeping a food journal and recording the calories you eat during each meal and snack time is rewarding. You may even find that writing this information down regularly helps motivate you to continue your efforts to lose weight.

But diet alone will rarely be a successful strategy in your attempt to lose your mid-section fat. Exercise is needed as well. Regular activity " preferably aerobic " will not only help you lose tummy fat, but will lead to better overall health as well. One key to losing fat is to change your rate of metabolism. Metabolism is your body's tendency to use energy. Frequent aerobic exercise, or low-impact, fast-paced activities like race-walking and swimming, is the key to boosting your metabolic rate. When you condition your body to increase metabolism you also make future weight loss more likely.

In addition to generalized aerobic activity, you also need to exercise the particular part of your body you hope to shape. In the case of tummy fat, some good exercises are sit-ups and abdominal crunches. Such exercises focus on strengthening the muscle in the targeted area. Care needs to be taken that in working the abs other areas of the body are not harmed. Sit-ups, done incorrectly, present the danger of damaging back muscles because many people inadvertently stress the back. One solution is the use of an ab machine. The Ab Rocket Training machine is one of the best. It offers support for those back muscles that are put at risk. You can use the Ab Rocket to do both sit-ups and crunches with the machine and perfectly isolate those stomach muscles.

Lastly, make sure that you keep your stress level down while you are trying to lose weight. Reducing stress is very important because it plays a factor on your weight gain around the belly area. Whenever you are stressed, your body increases cortisol, which will produce cravings in your body for more sugary and fatty foods. Also, the increase in cortisol will also slow down your metabolism making it much harder to burn off that excess tummy fat.

I hope these tips help you control your chubby tummy. Remember to be patient. Despite all the miracle diets and promises of instantaneous weight loss, a sound program of healthy eating and exercise will work best. - 17269

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