Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Sugar Addiction Test

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you eat lots of sugar and you want to get rid of arm fat, you're in for a very tough ride. Unfortunately, a high sugar intake will make your insulin levels sky rocket. And high insulin will block your body from burning arm fat.

But how can you tell if you're addicted? Maybe you aren't completely sure if you qualify as having an addiction. A little self-analysis is required here. Go through the following questions and be as honest as possible:

1. Has it been impossible to stop no matter how much effort you put forth? Now if you find yourself eating sugar despite best efforts to stop the madness, then you are probably addicted. If the sugar always finds its way back to you, an addiction is lurking.

2. Do you feel horrible when you don't have sugar? This is called withdrawal! If your head hurts, if you get extremely vivid cravings and if your mood goes up and down in the absence of sugar You are withdrawing

3. Have you developed the ability to generate complex reasons as to why you are NOT addicted? If you consistently come up with detailed arguments in defense of not being addicted, then you may be addicted. This is denial at its max.

4. Can you ignore the risks? If you can ignore the risks of continual sugar consumption despite having a serious health issue, then we have some serious work to do. Having excessive amounts of sugar is NOT healthy, and you need to accept this.

5. Does your sugar intake offset other negative aspects of life? If you find yourself bingeing on sugar to compensate for other negative areas, it's time for an overhaul. Seriously. Life can be painful, and using sugar to appease the pain is dangerous for your health.

And rest assured that sugar addiction is real, very real. Rodents given high intakes of sugar show similar brain alterations as compared to drug use. Also, doctors routinely use sugar as a powerful pain killer when performing surgery on infants.

The main factor here is honesty. Are you addicted? If so, overcoming the addiction will be critical if you want to get rid of arm fat. Otherwise, both your arms and health will suffer. If by now you know you're addicted, then please seek professional help. There are many methods of therapy that work for a wide variety of people. Don't give up! - 17269

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