Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Tips For Successful Teenage Bodybuilding

By Ricardo d Argence

It's more and more common to see bodybuilders who are still in their teens. Getting into shape and building muscle is a good thing no matter how young or old you are " and there's no better time than your teens to take up weight training as long as you do it right. Teens are still developing, so they have different needs than adult body builders, particularly when it comes to nutrition. Just like adults, teenagers need adequate rest, a proper diet and careful training to prevent injury.

One thing about teenaged body builders is that they have far more energy than an adult. This can be an asset and a liability, since a teen is more likely to work the same muscle group for a lot longer than they should.

The thought is that more is better; however, in weight training nothing is further from the truth. A rounded workout in which all muscle groups are worked equally is better. Once a muscle has reached a certain point there is no need to strain it further, in fact you can actually reverse your progress or worse yet cause injury.

Start off with lighter weights and advance as your body becomes accustomed to lifting. Don't try to show off by going immediately for the heaviest weight you can find. Start small and work your way up as you go.

Nutrition is something which is all too often forgotten by bodybuilders, especially teenage bodybuilders who instead go for supplements. Nutritional supplements are certainly a helpful addition to a good diet, but getting the protein and fiber you need from your diet is far more important. What happens when you lift weights is that you tear your muscles; as they heal from this controlled damage, they build. This takes good nutrition.

Getting enough water is something else a lot of teenage bodybuilders overlook. Just remember that our bodies are 70% water and every important system in the body depends on water; and that goes double for your muscles!

The recommended daily intake of 64 oz of water should be taken as a starting point, not a goal. When you're actively weight training you'll need far more water than this to maintain the health of your joints and organs; and your training will yield better results as well.

While we're on the subject of things neglected by teenage bodybuilders, let's talk about sleep. It's while you sleep that testosterone and the important growth hormone IGF-1 is released. It's also when your body repairs itself and rejuvenates for another day " make sure to get an adequate amount of sleep every night.

It is not enough to hit the gym hard every day to build muscles. You need a balanced approach for steady growth. This can hard to do for a generation who is used to getting what they want right now, but for long term success and to prevent injury this is the only way.

Your teenage years offer a great opportunity to start weight training " and if you play competitive sports, building your strength will be a valuable asset in this pursuit. By following the tips in this article, you can get the maximum results from your weight training regimen and build muscle safely. - 17269

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