Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Truth About Gogi Berry and Weight Loss

By Dorthy Weatherbush

For hundreds upon thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has incorporated the goji berry as part of its medicinal must haves. It is also a product that is currently carried in most health food stores.

Grown in both China and in certain areas of the Himalayas, the goji plant produces berries that are relatively small, are a vibrant red in color, and are extremely delicate to the touch. As a matter of fact, they are so extremely delicate that the berries are not plucked from the plant, but rather must be shaken off of the plant very gently. After they are taken from the plant, they are allowed to dry in the plentiful sunshine.

In recent years, the goji berry has been associated positively with weight loss; it is believed that this is related to their low Glycemic index.

The Glycemic index describes that speed at which the foods that we eat are converted into blood sugar or glucose. The lower the Glycemic Index (GI) of a food, the slower the rate at which it converts into blood sugar. One of the big problems that most people encounter in relation to diet and weight control is the craving and urges to eat sugary, starchy foods that have a high GI index. What happens then, when we give in to the craving and indulge our desire, is that blood sugar levels soar or spike.

The body fights high blood sugar levels by creating insulin, which is actually performed by the pancreas. The good news is that the insulin brings the blood sugar levels back down to normal very quickly. The bad news is that this rapid decrease in blood sugar levels makes you crave more sugary and starchy foods, which starts the cycle all over again.

The other side effect of this unstable blood sugar level is that you don't feel energetic and so you will not feel up to performing regular exercise. As a result, you have the perfect storm for staying overweight: a high desire for fatty foods, and a low desire to exercise. This is a recipe for disaster.

Examining now the goji berry, which has a glycemic index of 29, we can see that its glycemic index is very low, especially when compared to apples, 38, and oranges, 42. Moreover, goji berries are rich in fiber, which is known to help in moderating blood sugar levels, and chromium, which can enhance blood sugar control and is known to help retain muscle mass. Due to the fact that muscles use up more calories than fat, this can help to stimulate a better metabolic rate.

Goji berries also contain a number of energy producing vitamins and nutrients including thiamin, calcium, copper, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc. All of these help the body get rid of fat.

When we are young, our bodies are kept slim by naturally created growth hormones. Consequently, as we age, our bodies slow down on the number of growth hormones that are created which causes smaller amounts of muscle tissue to be created and but greater amounts of newly created body fat. Goji berries, however, contain amino acids and potassium which help the body to generate growth hormones.

As great as the goji berry is, it is not the sole solution to diet and weight loss, and they do not claim to be. However they can be helpful when used in conjunction with a good diet and exercise plan including meal replacement plans like Medifast.

Medifast is one of the worlds leading weight loss products and the use of Goji Berries as a supplement may enhance Medifasts already proven track record, and stimulate further weight loss.

Goji berries alone will not cause you to lose a lot of weight. However, when used in their supplemental capacity, the results can be astonishing. - 17269

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