Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Want a Muscle Building Program? 5 Things You Should Know First

By Mark Dale

Why is it that so many people who have followed various muscle building programs have failed to make the muscle mass gains they desire? Well put simply, it's usually because they've followed a muscle program that is completely unsuitable for building muscle. If this sounds like you and you're not seeing regular muscle growth and improvements in the mirror then you are doing something wrong.

The reason so many people fail is because they follow the wrong muscle building program, and by that I mean a program that is not suitable for their individual needs. The result of following the wrong program can be anything to poor muscle gains to actually losing muscle, or even getting a serious injury through overtraining.

Having studied and reviewed many muscle programs over the years, here are my top 5 tips to finding a muscle building program that will suit your needs:

Workout Time

A muscle building workout routine should be short, intense and hard work. Some workout programs have you doing 1 or even 2 hours in the gym. That's only useful if you want to burn away fat AND muscle and take you down the road to a serious injury. Spending a long time in the gym does not equate to bigger muscles! Your workout program should last no more than 45 minutes.

Variety of Workouts

Keeping your workout routine varied will help to keep your muscles stimulated and growing, so your workout routines should be re-planned every 8 - 12 weeks. You body is clever in that remembers the exercises you do and that's why exercises become easier over time. By changing your workouts you are shocking your muscles and stimulating further growth.

Take Rest Days

You need plenty of rest for your body to recover from your workouts and for your muscle growth. Muscles grow when you sleep, eat and rest and NOT when you train. The best muscle building programs will include rest days and will have you training the same muscle groups more than twice a week.

Make Sure You Do the Exercises Correctly

Exercise with strict form. It is very important that you don't just pile on the plates and then swing the barbell around! Strict exercise form is essential to build muscle and to prevent injury. Yes, you may be able to lift more if you cheat, but it won't do you any good. Look out for a muscle program that shows you how to perform exercises with correct form.

Diet is Very Important!

Diet is the single most important factor that you must get right. If you are eating correctly but not working out to your full potential then you can still expect to make some reasonable muscle gains. Any muscle building diet must be personalized to your size and weight. The best muscle building programs will provide you with a great selection of diet plans that include meals for all calorie levels (e.g. 2000 to 6000 calories a day). The best meal plans even cater for vegetarians.

So there you have it, 5 simple but very important tips to stimulating fast muscle growth. Make sure you bear these points in mind when looking for a suitable muscle building program. - 17269

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