Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, July 5, 2009

How To Pick The Right Diet For You

By Jeffrey Wilkins

A lot of people have been emailing us lately asking us how we grade our diet reviews, and what criteria we use to do it. There are hundreds of criteria that we use, but many of our highest rated diets all share some very common criteria and have many features in common. Let's take a look at four of our most common criteria to see how some of these diets stack up.

Allows you to eat anything. Ok so that headline is a little misleading, you can't really eat anything all the time, but you should be able to eat whatever you want, in the correct portions. Why should you be able to eat what you want? Because at some point you WILL eat what you want, and if foods you like aren't allowed on the diet almost all of us will break down at some point and eat it. If you know you are going to eat forbidden foods, why would you try a diet that doesn't allow you to eat them? Sounds like a recipe for failure to me.

Follows a balanced mix of meals. Have you ever seen the ads for the all grapefruit diet or the all eggs diet? Do you think you can eat grapefruit or eggs every day for every meal the rest of your life? Me either. Some fad diets will help you lose weight very quickly, but diets that focus on only one, or just a few food groups won't give you proper nutrition and at some point you have to start eating normal foods again. More often than not the results from these fad diets disappear when you get back to normal.

Has a good amount of exercise baked in. Diets that focus on what you eat and how you eat it are great and they are a very important part of losing weight and dieting, but they aren't the only part. You need to do a certain amount of exercise every day, or at least a few days a week to make sure your body will lose weight, and keep it off if your diet goes back to normal. Other factors for exercise include prevention of heart disease, and keeping your muscles strong as you get older to prevent your body from breaking down.

Is sustainable after the "diet" is done. So you did great, and you lost a ton of weight and never looked better in your swim suit. Now that you are "off" the diet, will you be able to keep it up for the rest of your life? This is our number one complaint about the Atkins diet. Yeah Atkins works great, but can you go without eating chocolate ice cream the rest of your life? I know I couldn't! Focus on diets that practice moderation and a variety of meal plans, to allow yourself flexibility and more important sustainability. The truly good diets will teach you proper eating habits that you can carry with you for the rest of your life. - 17269

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