Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why You Should Use Organic Fruits and Veggies During a Juice Fast

By Kate West

Two of the very best steps you can take to improve your health are closely intertwined-- juice fasting and the consumption of organic food. Organic food is grown without the use of chemicals and pesticides and is not genetically modified in any way so as to preserve the life force and highest nutritional benefit of the food. By adopting organic foods into your diet, you are giving your body a break from the constant onslaught of foreign contaminants that it is faced with day after day in the modern world. Learning how to juice fast correctly takes this one step further by helping your body reverse and heal the symptoms brought on by the consumption of such contaminants.

Your purchase of organic food means that fewer pesticides and chemicals were used in producing your food and therefore less harmful substances will make their way into your system. Considering that juicing concentrates it's components by removing the fiber and making the nutrition from the plant instantly available to your cells, juicing produce laden with toxic chemicals defeats the entire purpose of why you're fasting in the first place. Why go through all the trouble to juice fast only to inject your cells with concentrated toxicity! On the contrary, you're looking to give your body the much deserved break it needs in order to rejuvenate and repair. In this respect, incorporating organic food into your juice is perhaps the most important element in learning how to fast properly.

If you wish to dramatically improve your health by freeing your body of these toxic chemicals completely, then consider adding juice fasting as a regular part of your lifestyle. You don't have to commit to anything too intense. Short fasts can do wonders for your health. (Just one day a week adds up to fifty two days a year!) Juice fasting with organic fruits and vegetables for ANY length of time gives your body a major break from it's daily stresses, and you'll find that you quickly experience an abundance of energy and vitality as you release these toxins from your system once and for all. You'll also feel good knowing that the organic fruits and vegetables, free of the pesticides, chemicals and genetically modified ingredients of conventionally grown produce, won't be making their way back into your system by contaminating the water supply.

And there you have it. While there are many elements that go into learning how to fast properly, consumption of organic fruits and vegetables during your fast is as crucial as any. A juice fast using only organic produce will do wonders in helping your body detoxify from the pollution found in our air, water and food supply. Remember that by selecting organic food you are also supporting sustainable farming practices, which means that you're not only helping yourself, but helping heal the planet and it's inhabitants as well. This kind of symbiosis should be the basis of any health program! It just feels good!

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