Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Diabetes: How is it Tested?

By Barb Hicks

What Is Diabetes?

Hyperglycemia or Diabetes is the result of abnormally high glucose levels due to an imbalance of insulin in the blood. Insulins job is to convert glucose into energy to fuel the body's cells. If glucose is not converted properly, complications and organ damage can occur.

The proper definition of diabetes is the elevated level of glucose or sugar in the blood. The body naturally regulates these levels by producing insulin which converts glucose into energy for the cells to use as fuel. If insulin cannot perform its job properly, glucose levels rise resulting in complications of this disease. Symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination and excessive thirst.

Here are the two forms of diabetes:

Type 1: This form of diabetes is genetic and is commonly diagnosed in children. In this case, the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin. Type 2: This form of diabetes is metabolic and is the result of the proper production of insulin, but the body is resistant to it.

Both types of diabetes create increased glucose levels in the blood that must be monitored on a daily basis.

Anyone who has family members diagnosed with diabetes, is overweight or leads a sedentary lifestyle is at risk for this disease.

What are the signs and symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms vary and may not present themselves in all people. Some have no signs at all of the disease while others may exhibit any of the following:

- increased urination, extreme thirst, non healing wounds, fatigue, irritability and headache.

Due to the buildup of glucose in the blood, the body tries to get rid of it via the kidneys, resulting in polyuria (increased urination). Frequent trips to the bathroom cause dehydration, which explains the extreme thirst and headache. Dehydration is the same reason for the headache of a hangover.

Excessive weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle are extreme risk factors for diabetes.

How do I find out if I have it?

Knowing the symptoms is the first step, as well as learning what your risk factors are. If you suspect that you may have this condition, there are diagnostic tests that your doctor can administer to determine if you indeed have the disease. How Is Diabetes Diagnosed?

Your doctor will order diagnostic testing that tests your blood for glucose levels. Normal blood glucose is between 70 mg/dl-125 mg/dl.

What Is the Treatment for Diabetes?

Treatment of diabetes includes changes in diet, regular exercise at least 3-4 times per week, daily monitoring of glucose levels, and insulin injections by syringe, insulin pump, or prefilled pens.

Treatment for diabetes is designed to regulate glucose levels while at the same time stop or slow down the diseases progression to ensure no further complications. - 17269

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