Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How Can I Look 10 Years Younger In 10 Days?

By Susan M Adams

To have the chance to look look 10 years younger in 10 days sounds too good to be true. However, according to experts like Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone it is, in fact, true. These experts have both been guests on the Oprah Winfrey show and both claim that it is possible to look 10 years younger in just 10 days. The key to this age defying miracle is in the foods you eat. Add some food they term super foods to your diet and then you are well on your way.

What exactly are super foods? Are they hard to find? Are they expensive? The answer is a very pleasant surprise. Almost all of the super foods are common everyday foods. You probably already have some in your cupboard and you have most definitely have eaten at least some of them. These foods are easy to find in your local grocery store or health food store and they are for the most part relatively inexpensive.

The list of super foods that if consumed are supposed to make you look 10 years younger include: barley, acai berry, seeds and nuts, green foods such as wheat grass, beans and legumes, yogurt, sprouts, hot peppers, buck wheat, and anything in the allium family. It's quite likely that you have consumed a few of these super foods once or twice over the past week already. These foods are clearly common!

"Is that it?" you ask? Well, as simple as the super foods diet seems on the surface, it runs much deeper. The key is that you move towards a diet containing these foods, and they will replace the bad foods in your diet. Another key is that these foods be eaten naturally - ie, roasted honey barbecue nuts with double the salt but aspartame to reduce calories does not count for nuts. Remember, eat the foods for the foods - that is where you will receive the benefit. Cut out the chemicals, the added sugar, the added salt, the fried in saturated and trans fats.

Think about how you can include these foods in your meals. Salads can be much more than just lettuce with a few garnishes for color. Why not try making a salad which is 3/4 vegetables (cucumber, heirloom tomatoes, avocado, red and green peppers, zucchini and Juline carrots) and 1/4 greens. Make your salad with spinach or a greens mix (rather than iceberg lettuce). And then sprinkle nuts or seeds on top. Top with a dressing of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and a bit of Bragg or soy sauce. This salad will be super healthy as well as filling, so you will eat less of the the bad processed foods that you normally fill up on.

The only super food that could be considered exotic or uncommon would be acai berry. Acai berries are harvested from the palms trees of the Amazonian rain forest. They are very perishable so they are freeze dried immediately for transport to North America, Acai berry juice and powder is becoming easier to find in most health food stores.

I can think of a dozen ways to easily incorporated the super foods into my diet. According to Dr. Oz and Dr. Perricone it is pretty easy to look 10 years younger in just 10 days. What do you have to lose except weight? - 17269

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