Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Getting A Weight Loss Diets Perspective

By Lisa Jameson

Do you need a quick weight loss plan? Most people think that they do, so most of us resort to different kinds of fad diets or exercise programs anything just achieve that goal of quick weight loss. But do we understand the implications that this could do in our health? Let's discuss further and see if it really is safe and for how long can we maintain it.

Many diets want to inform the public about misleading weight loss claims. Sample of these are diets like the Cabbage Soup Diet which can sabotage your health, cause physical discomfort, and often lead to dissapointment when you regain weight soon after you lose it. Quick weight loss diets overemphasize one particular type of food as you can see it's easy to determine one based on my example.

I know for a fact that having to "diet" is tough but if we will just learn to change how we think and perceive a healthy lifestyle our goal of weight loss is not an impossible dream. But having so many diet options makes it difficult to know which ones to trust.

Most of these diets are so monotonous and boring that it's almost impossible to stay on them for long periods. It's mostly the job of so many people to put the idea of quick weight loss into your mind. This is usually the trend that's been happening in the market for quite a long time.

The types of prescription diet pills includes fat blockers and appetite suppressants. If not used properly or if used excessively this drugs may result to some side effects that can be dangerous such as heart problems and addiction. That is the main reason why diet pills are available by prescription only because they should be taken with the doctor's approval only.

So you see, it really is a million dollar industry that's why many resort to this kind of gimmicks just so they could earn easy money at the same time. As unfortunate as this may sound, there's just no easy way to lose huge amounts of weight in such short periods of time.

Another weight loss diet scheme that's been used most of the time is reducing your calorie intake by way too much, way too quick. I'm mentioning here really low amounts of calories around only 500 calories below you maintenance level. That too is very drastic and dangerous since it could cause eating disorders and cardiac arrest if done for long.

So you see, as I've explained here there are no shortcuts, no easy way but if your really serious about losing weight a few lifestyle changes such as sensible eating and exercise could do the trick. You don't need to be a gym buff just be active and avoid being a couch potato. I think taking weight loss supplements could further speed up or enhance your weight loss as long as its under your doctor's supervision. - 17269

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