Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Banish Cellulite For Good!

By El Bilson

Sick of sagging skin? Ready to banish cellulite for good? The cosmetic industry has spent millions of dollars marketing various products and procedures claiming to be a real solution to cellulite. There are lotions, creams, body wraps, ultrasonic massagers and medical procedures like mesotherapy. Are these products the real deal or are they just a bunch of hype?

Cellulite is caused by pockets of fat under the skin. Concerned about developing cellulite? Our genes play a large factor in determining if we will have cellulite or not. The majority of women will experience at least some cellulite in their lifetime.

If you have a minimal case, lotions and creams can be a real solution to banishing cellulite for you. There are certain ingredients that are found in most over the counter cellulite treatments. Caffeine, aminophyline and collagen work towards smoothing and tightening the skin. Most creams need to be massaged into the affected area for the maximum benefits.

For moderate to severe cases of cellulite, don't waste your time and money on lotions. Most likely you will need to invest in more serious treatments if you really want to get rid of your cellulite. There is a process called Endermology where a powerful electronic device massages the effected areas with more pressure than you could exert with your hands.

As far as the downsides of Endermology go, the procedure can be slightly uncomfortable and leave minor bruising but most patients of Endermology see results of smoother, tighter skin. Endermology requires several treatment sessions in order to see results. Also, it can be cost prohibitive for some women.

One of the best treatments for cellulite on the market is mesotherapy. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic medical procedure. A shot containing a special formula is given to the patient in the problem area. The special injection formula is tailored to the patient but includes pharmaceutical and homeopathic medicines, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This formula is designed to promote the destruction of the fat in the cells, the metabolism of that fat and the renewed appearance of the skin.

Mesotherapy injections are given in a doctor's office or medical center under local anesthesia. Because there is not recovery time involved with mesotherapy, it is an easy treatment to fit in on your lunch break or the weekend. Some doctors may recommend that a patient receive multiple treatment sessions in order to see the best results. However many women have had success in getting rid of their cellulite through mesotherapy.

Products that you can avoid all together are over the counter vitamins or herbs that claim to banish cellulite and those slightly ridiculous looking wraps. The pills do not have a proven track record of effectiveness. They can contain herbs that interfere with your other medication or cause allergic reactions. Always be careful and consult with a doctor before using any cellulite treatment. - 17269

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