Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Camu Camu Juice

By Craig Tomlinson

Camu Camu is another strange sounding exotic fruit found deep in Peru that is showing some remarkable qualities. Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) grows throughout the Amazon rainforest in swampy flooded areas predominately. The fruit is about the size of a lemon, orange in color and packed with great amounts of Vitamin C.

The Camu Camu fruit has the highest amount of natural full spectrum vitamin C than any other fruit. It provides up to 500,000 ppm or 2 grams of vitamin C for every 100 grams of fruit. That is thirty times more vitamin C than oranges. Camu Camu also contains leucine, serine, thiamin, valine, niacin, riboflavin, ellagic acid, Beta-carotene, calcium, potassium and protein.

Although formal studies on Camu Camu are few it delivers without a doubt more vitamin C than your standard ascorbic acid tablet alone. Because of that fact Camu Camu has some very practical uses as an antioxidant, nutritive element and an astringent. Because Camu Camu is an all natural source of this very vital Vitamin C it can and has been used for the treatment of colds and flus as well as for anti-aging, skin care, defending the nervous system from degeneration and anti-inflammation.

Camu Camus natural (not synthetic) vitamin C is a full spectrum vitamin C. A "full-spectrum" vitamin C is an all natural nutrient rich nutritional supplement that is highly absorbable by the human body using all of the natural cofactors required for nutrient assimilation.

Vitamin C is a highly effective antioxidant, even in small amounts it can protect molecules in the body (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, DNA and RNA) from damage by free radicals that can be caused by normal metabolic processes and exposure to environmental toxins. Vitamin C is known to be able to regenerate other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

Camu Camu is a most effective all natural anti-depressant. In fact, Dr. Gary Null has named Camu Camu at the top of his list of compounds with antidepressant properties, as well it's effectiveness against the herpes virus. Camu Camu juice is now available from Dr. Tims Juices.

They make Dr. Tims Amazon Camu Camu that is 100% juice with over 85% Camu Camu and the remaining 15% just a couple of other natural juices including Acerola. You can find it online at www.brazilbotanicals.com. - 17269

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