Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Eat Four to Six Times Every Day For The Best Fitness Results

By Taylor Ryan

If you've done any research at all about how to properly eat and keep the body fat off, you've heard about eating 6 times a day. Well, there is a great reason why eating six times a day is a lot better than just eating 3 times a day.

If you are beginning to incorporate this idea into your lifestyle then it may be helpful to understand why it is a great idea for all women. Since birth most women are groomed to eat three meals a day but this is your time to break away.

While eating 6 meals a day will take getting used to, once you do it will change your body and your mind. You will no longer have to have that extreme hunger during the early afternoons or late mornings... and you will always feel energized.

Let's take a closer look at the specific benefits for women to eat four to six times a day:

1. INCREASES METABOLISM: By giving smaller meals more frequently the body is constantly working to digest and voila! The metabolism is increasing. Remember that the faster your metabolism is, the more calories your body needs to function at 100% and therefore the easier it is to lose weight.

2. Energy Volcano: Because your metabolism is staying active and high all day long, you are keeping the energy levels in your body naturally high as well. And that means you will feel more energetic... as you won't have to worry about crashing throughout your day either.

3. Proper Sugar Levels: You have no doubt probably experienced the feeling of light headedness or fatigue because you haven't eaten. That feeling is a result of your body not having enough sugar to process for energy. Insulin is the bodies hormone to help regulate sugar and not eating throws that out of wack. Eating every 2 to 3 hours allows your insulin levels to stabilize and provide the proper amount of sugar to the body.

4. Fat Loss Without Starving Yourself: By eating six meals a day you will have a new look at eating and never stave yourself again. Not to mention that you will always feel full and that will help you from over eating which leads to extended periods of not eating.

5. Become a Food Expert: When you plan your meals in advance... something you have to do when eating 6 meals a day, you become more conscious of what you eat. That helps you keep the bad foods a way and another side benefit is you will not have to worry about the unhealthy snack machine.

6. FEEDING THE MUSCLE: Learn to incorporate all food groups- protein, carbs, and fats (there are good for you fats) into every meal. Getting a balanced diet will through your muscle gains into full gear.

So eat 6 meals a day because when you do, you will see that your body will quickly change into a fat burning machine. Incorporate a great women's workout program and in only a few months you will have a brand new body. - 17269

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