Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, September 21, 2009

Making Dietary Changes

By Amelia Handley

Do you really love Diet Coke? Is Fat Free Mayo your ultimate favorite? Do you find yourself sitting with no desire to taste the pastry on your plate because you know the baker used butter rather than Non-fat butter substitute? If you've answered yes to the before-mentioned questions then let me assure you...you are in the minority!

Most of the general public really would prefer to indulge in the full calorie version of classic Coca Cola rather than the zero calorie versions that are now accessible. Cola has actually become one of the iconic symbols of the American lifestyle; like baseball and Apple Pie. Why is that? It's because most of us LIKE to eat Apple Pie and drink soda. It tastes good. And for a large portion of the public something that tastes good is enjoyable. The question then becomes...should we try to remove something from our lives that brings enjoyment?

But in the case of an overweight or obese individual sometimes the need arises to deprive yourself of the enjoyment that can be gained by old favorite foods. To lose the weight it's a necessity. With homeopathic HCG an overweight or obese person can easily accomplish this seemingly impossible task.

The HCG drops are easy to administer (3 times daily) and the diet's rules are easy to understand. You're allowed 500 calories per day. You're limited to a select group of food items so there's no confusion as to what is allowed and what isn't. There are no easy justifications that will leave the dieter despairing at the end of the day because they've absolutely destroyed all the progress they've made in the past week.

This particular natural weight loss method is particularly desirable because it enables dieters to stick to their diet. They actually follow rules. And by following the rules they benefit from the unique qualities of HCG that allow them to cut back on their caloric intake drastically without any major hunger pains or distracting cravings. (The HCG is a natural substance; its physiological function is to work with the hypothalamus to control the eating/drinking portion of the brain).

HCG dieters lose the weight. Most lose approximately one pound per day. After the weight loss program, dieters are asked to go through a maintenance phase during which their body is able to adjust to a higher amount of calories per day with additional foods added to the food list. The nature of the diet allows dieters who get "enjoyment" from their food to learn to make some changes to the basic foods that they depend on from day to day. And this makes it much easier for them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. - 17269

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