Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

6 Things That Affect How Many Calories You Burn

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Increasing your BMR is the most sustainable way to ensure continual fat loss. Why? Because your BMR dictates how many calories you burn around the clock, even while sleeping.

The main problem here, though, is that you may be lost amongst all the marketing claims. Doesn't it seem like every new product comes with a novel way to increase calories burned?

So without further ado, here are some things that really affect BMR and fat loss:

1. How old you are. One of the first things that happens as you age is muscle loss. And this translates into less calories burned. The best way to prevent this is with resistance training. Now keep in mind that resistance training doesn't necessarily have to be done in a gym.

2. Lean to fat mass ratio. More muscle translates into more calories burned even while you sleep. Add to this some proper nutrition, and the mitochondria in your cells will burn even more calories.

3. Getting sick. Interestingly, if you get a fever your BMR will go up. Having said that, please don't try to get sick just to burn some extra calories!

4. Stress hormones. The release of stress hormones, mainly from the adrenals, will also increase the amount of calories you burn. Keep in mind, however, that over the long run stress will have a negative impact through a suppressed immune system and muscle loss.

5. Changes in ambient temperature. When you move into a hot or cold environment, your body burns extra calories while adjusting. Tip: swimming is a great way to burn lots of calories.

6. Fasting. Fasting decreases BMR much faster than most women realize. In a very short amount of time, your metabolism could dip dramatically. The key here is to be in a slightly negative caloric state and to eat every couple of hours. Doing so will minimize the damage.

Learning how to master your metabolism is one of the most important things you can do to ensure long term fat loss success. Most women can see initial fat loss with minor changes, but if you want long term changes, you have to increase your BMR. - 17269

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