Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Benefits Of Liquid Calcium.

By Neil Butterfield

Together, calcium and magnesium make an unbeatable pair that improves your health in many ways. Calcium, of course, you've heard of, but without magnesium, calcium cannot do the job it's meant to do. Liquid calcium is better than pill forms of calcium, and it's time you knew why.

Thanks to marketers, many people believe that pills are as good as liquid calcium. In actuality, with pills, less than 25% is absorbed by the body, whereas with liquid calcium almost 100% can be used.

We loose calcium through our urine which is one reason why many people are actually calcium deficient. Protein rich foods cause calcium to be secreted through the urine. Liquid calcium reduces this problem significantly because the calcium is so quickly absorbed into the blood stream. And the very best liquid calcium is liquid ionic calcium.

If you think you don't need a liquid calcium magnesium supplement you are mistaken. Even with proper diet and low meats, it's still impossible to get all the calcium you need just from food. In fact, getting enough calcium can solve all sorts of problems.

Liquid calcium magnesium helps with heartburn, indigestion, and constipation. It's actually good for your digestive system overall, and the best time to take it is after you eat.

Many are not aware that calcium plays a role in blood clotting and in nerve impulses. It is also involved in stimulating contractions during labor and in the production of milk.

We all know that not getting enough calcium leads to osteoporosis as we age, but did you know that in children it can cause rickets? A much more serious condition for adults is osteomalacia (the softening of bony tissue.)

Modern studies show a link between a lack of calcium and high blood pressure and colon cancer.

Common symptoms of a lack of calcium are numbness, as well as a tingling around the mouth and the fingertips. It can even cause muscle spasms and painful aches.

Calcium can even aid in weight loss. If you're not getting enough calcium, your body thinks it's starving, so you will not be able to loose the extra weight without it.

Calcitriol is a main cause of high blood pressure. Calcitriol is a hormone that constricts your arteries putting excess pressure in your heart. When you aren't getting enough calcium, calcitriol levels increase drastically. Calcium is good for your heart a good for your nervous system.

When it's that time of month, were all familiar with the irritably, cramps and a depression that comes with PMS. Adding more calcium to your diet can regulate your hormones and ease you through this difficult time.

You're getting five times the amount of protection from liquid calcium than youd get from pills for diseases like colon cancer and polyps.

Since almost every American is actually calcium deficient it would only make good sense to start taking a liquid calcium supplement right away. After all you are going to do a lot for your health. - 17269

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