Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Constipation Remedies The Natural Way

By Kelly Coolman

Feeling constipated is one of the worst feelings in the world. When you can't go to the toilet and feel bloated and uncomfortable, it's hard to feel good about anything.

Fantastic natural constipation remedies exist, and you might have already tried some laxative-based constipation remedies in a desperate attempt to relieve your constipation symptoms.

However, with a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle you could avoid buying off-the-shelf constipation remedies at all.

Here are my 5 essential tips to naturally banish constipation forever, without purchasing constipation remedies. Follow my simple steps below and you'll feel less bloated, lighter and healthier, and more confident in yourself - guaranteed.

1. Eat the right food.

Wholewheat foods are much better for the digestive system than highly refined white products so try to avoid white and stick to brown.

White bread, white pasta, cakes and sugary biscuits made from white flour have had the fibre removed, meaning the body has nothing to push the food along through your body. The processing of foods generally strips away all the nutrients and goodnes too, dealing a double whammy blow to your body.

Eat natural and simple foods instead. Aim to eat lots more vegetables, fruit, cereals and wholesome unprocessed food.

Eating this way will prevent your system becoming blocked because your body can't move your food along as it should.

Also, eating whole, good food high in fibre helps your body get rid of toxins and waste, and further helps you absorb the full benefit of the nutrients in your food too. All this is essential for making you feel good about yourself and avoiding the awful symptoms of constipation.

Out of all constipation remedies, eating the right food is the most effective action you can take.

2. Drink more water.

Few people drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day but this really helps to maintain a healthy system as well as being beneficial in other ways, such as aiding concentration and preventing tiredness.

Drinking more water is one of the most natural constipation remedies available. Go on, fill that glass!

3. Slow down

Chew your food properly, relax and eat slowly. Many people with constipation rush their food and swallow before taking time to chew food down.

Taking time to chew your food properly also discourages you from over-eating which is another positive side effect that most of us would welcome.

4. Get Moving

Taking some exercise, even just 2 or 3 times a week, is one of the key constipation remedies that people often ignore.

Regular exercise relieves constipation by strengthening your muscles, making your food move faster through the body and generally making you feel better all round.

Think about how could you incorporate more exercise into your day - even a brisk walk will work wonders.

Give it a try. I'll bet you'll be waving goodbye to consipation even faster than you thought possible.

5. Eat at the right times.

When you sleep, your body goes into shut down. If you eat late before you go to bed, you put tremendous strain on your body, which tries to digest your food while trying to rest.

The body's ability to assimilate goodness and move food through the system is limited during sleep.

To make matters worse, you can't drink water whilst sleeping, which is essential for helping your food pass through effectively.

Try not to eat too much a couple of hours before going to bed. You'll see the benefits in reduced constipation symptoms immediately.

While some people may undoubtedly still require off-the-shelf constipation remedies, especially if they have other medical conditions, it's a fact that the vast majority of constipation sufferers could banish their symptoms easily by making my 5 simple techniques part of their every day routine. - 17269

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