Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Got Massage Chair? Massage Chairs Bring Relief

By Rebecca Hoffmyer

Massage chairs have advanced to the point where they offer many different types of therapies. Of course, they are most famous for providing massage therapy. Massage therapy manipulates the soft tissues such as muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. This provides for relief of pain and soreness of the body. Additionally, massage chairs are effective in inducing relaxation as well. Massage chair therapy is the automation of numerous massage techniques into a massage chair.

Massage chairs started with very simple mechanisms. The first mechanism incorporated into a massage chair was a vibration motor vibration has been used effectively to penetrate deeply into the muscle tissue. This provides excellent relief for stiffness.

A number of different technological systems are integrated and the massage chairs of today. They have the capability to provide relief for the full body. Massage chair therapy offers a number of different techniques for massage.

It is now common to find massage chairs and many health care environments. These health care professionals realize that delivering precise and consistent massage therapy is a great benefit to their patients. Massage chairs and eat programmed to apply massage for specific times and to a specific area as needed.

A common use of massage chairs is in a chiropractic environment. Chiropractors will manipulate the spine in order to assist in the natural healing process. Before they manipulate the spine, they may warm up the patient and a massage chair. This assists in loosening up the muscles of the back prior to manipulation.

Roller systems are used to provide massage for the back, shoulders and neck. These mechanical systems have the capability to provide a number of different massage movements. One such movement is the rolling massage. The rolling massage goes up and down the spine and helps to stretch out the soft tissue between the vertebrae.

One of the important benefits of a massage chair is that it uses many different massage techniques. Massage chair manufacturers have duplicated many of the most effective massage therapies. These are available as standard features and many massage chairs.

One of the problems with using human massage therapist is consistency. Massage therapist vary their techniques and pressure from massage to massage. They also vary from therapist to therapist. This can be problematic to providing consistency to patients. Massage chairs eliminate this variable completely.

Massage chairs also have other treatments in addition to massage therapy. Many massage chairs now also have stretching systems. Stretching systems are available for the lower body and also for the upper body. The massage chair will actually stretch out the legs or may stretch out the arms and shoulders.

In order to receive an effective massage treatment, it is important to relax. When the mind is in a relax state, it releases the tension in the body. This enables the massage therapy to be much more effective. Without the release of tension, the muscles remain tight and resist the penetration of the massage.

Another important therapeutic treatment is the application of heat. Heat is used to improve circulation to a specific area and also to reduce swelling. Heat is also very comforting. Massage chairs have heating systems. Heat can be applied to a specific area to provide relief.

Massage chairs are the automation of massage therapy. They provide a number of different therapeutic treatments and can easily be controlled with the remote control. They provide consistent and reliable treatments. This is important to maintaining a consistent regimen of massage therapy.

Massage chair therapy is also available for in-home use. The same massage chairs which are used by health professionals are also available for use in your home or office. This enables you to have consisted access to massage therapy when you need it most. - 17269

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