Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to Build Muscle Mass, Bodybuilding Tips to Continue Your Growth

By Ricardo d Argence

One of the biggest questions asked around the gym is "why am I not growing?" It's understandable, considering you spend all those long hours in the gym, yet the build muscle mass gains are still minimal.

This can be quite irritating and the frustration will start to set in quickly. If you reach this point you will be less motivated, which can be detrimental to your overall goals in the weight room and your body building success. We'll give you a few answers today that will allow your muscle to continue growing.

1) Calories. Yes, those who don't eat enough and get a healthy dose of calories could be having issues with muscle gain. The whole idea here is to eat high calorie meals.

If by chance you're struggling to find out how many calories you need to ingest, we recommend eating every two hours. When it's snack time; be sure to eat lots of yogurt, protein bars, dried fruits and nuts. Then of course is you need a protein shake or two along the way be our guest.

2) Protein. In order to take your muscle mass to new heights in a shorter period of time, you have to eat and drink lots of protein. The going rate is about 5 grams of protein per pound. We recommend healthy choices like chicken, fish, turkey, and dairy products are all great ways to help build muscle mass.

One thing to understand here is that you need to have excess calories so you can grow. Keep in mind you do quality over quantity when it comes to calories, but you can cut them later. If you want to make sure it's quality protein then we recommend purchasing those huge tubs of whey protein.

3) Has your workout become unstimulating? If you are able to say aloud your routine without thinking too much it could well be that you have been doing it for too long. Lots of variety is required in order to keep your muscles growing.

The best way we believe to do this is by using different variations. Maybe instead of using the same routine, this time you do everything backwards. Maybe you go through a faster routine with less in between breaks. Then again, maybe you just need a week to relax and allow the body to completely recover.

4) Downtime. Can you imagine walking into the gym, working out, and then walking out looking like the Incredible Hulk? However, it just doesn't happen, and your time at home is the most important. Your body needs time to heal and recover. So take a break, eat the right foods, and let your muscles recover.

Try decreasing your session to just one workout per muscle group per week. Also decreasing the amount of sets done for each body part, try just 3-5 intense sets per bodypart per workout. Think that is not enough, try it and watch the results!

5) Last but not least it could be as simple as adding more water to diet. Bodybuilding can take a lot out of you, and in order to build muscle mass, you have to keep the body replenished with plenty of aqua.

So if you are asking: Why am I not growing faster? Answer the above questions honestly and make the necessary adjustments.

Change is required if more than one of these points is not being addressed by your bodybuilding lifestyle. Of course there may well be other reasons why you might aren't growing but they are are the usual suspects. Now hit the weights and starting building muscle mass! - 17269

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