Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, October 8, 2009

How To Bulk Up Your Weight

By Travis Taylor

To bulk up your weight, there are a serious of actions you need to take. These actions will involve synergy between eating correctly and exercising. Now while the theory and principles are sound, your results may vary. This is due to the inherent differences between metabolic rates and body chemistry. As you may be well aware, some people gain weight easily and have a hard time losing it. While some will lose weight easily but have a difficult time in gaining it.

If you are one of those people who are naturally skinny and just cant seem to put on weight, then you might want to read on. Gaining weight for skinny guys is different. Working out harder and longer at the gym will not help much in this case. The key element to ensure success in bulking up for skinny guys is the diet.

While eating more calories than what you use is important, the type of calories is also important. You will need healthy foods with loads of calories instead of nutrient-empty fast foods. Some examples of healthy foods that can help out with muscle-gain and in general weight gain are: Chicken, turkey, fish, pasta, rice, eggs, etc. These are all rich sources of protein and complex carbohydrates.

Now you may be asking: how do I go about specifically to eat more calories than I burn? Great question and lets take a look at how this is done. Firstly, you will need to calculate how much calories your body consumes daily at a maintenance rate.

Meaning your weight will stay more or less constant (fat-muscle ratio as well) for a specific amount of calories. Men and women have different caloric needs. But even among the same gender, there are still some variances. What you do is that you note down what you eat daily " for a week. Usually you will notice that the types of foods you eat repeat themselves. There are only so many varieties of foods you eat in a given day.

Once you have your list of common foods consumed daily, find out the caloric value for each of these foods. Total up the amount you eat in a day. Again make sure your weight was constant during the period you are calculating your caloric foods. This amount will be your baseline and guideline for your bulk-up plan. You will then need to consume roughly 3500 calories more than what you normally take in daily. - 17269

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