Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Monday, October 26, 2009

Lose Your Man Boobs

By Steve Brodie

Gynecomastia (man boobs) is as the slang name suggests a condition which results in men having the appearance of feminine breasts, and sometimes curvaceous love handles too. Gynecomastia is the result of one of two factors (sometimes both): a hormonal imbalance in the body that gives estrogen the upper hand or an excessive storage of fat in the tissue of the breast. Man boobs from either cause are treatable so getting rid of man boobs is absolutely possible, it takes a bit of effort but it is achievable.

There are times when gynecomastia can occur naturally in the body and go away again without treatment. Many newborn babies have extra estrogen in their system from their mothers which cause 'little-man' boobs to show - these are usually gone in two or three weeks. As teenagers the condition often appears again when the body is in a state of hormonal flux (about 33% of teenage males are affected) but this usually disappears when hormone levels re-balance themselves. For adults gynecomastia is not quite as common and can be a lot harder to eliminate.

There a quite a few diverse causes for gynecomastia development in adult males. Being obese of overweight is one reason and is actually the simplest do deal with. The uniqueness of individual bodies means that fat is also distributed differently across the body - some may have an even distribution, others can have a concentrated amount on the upper torso which gives the appearance of feminine breasts.

Different types of medications can also cause man boobs. Some such drugs are epilepsy drugs, ulcer drugs, anti-androgens and even chemotherapy. Common prescription drugs for depression, anxiety and even some heart medications are also known to have gynecomastia as a side effect. These drugs for health conditions are not the only culprit.

Anabolic steroid use is a huge and growing cause of man boobs. Men (especially young men) use steroids to get that masculine strong image, but the truth is that in a huge number of cases they end up looking floppy and feminine with budding breasts. Steroids actually work to suppress the body's natural testosterone levels which means higher estrogen levels than there would normally be, and man boobs are the dreaded result.

On top of this other drugs can have similar affects on the body. Heroin, Marijuana and other methamphetamines can all result in man boobs because they have such a profound distortion on hormones. Sadly for the beer lovers among men (that being most of them!) beer contains a huge amount of estrogen and is very likely contributing to man boobs. Man boobs can also be the symptom of a serious underlying disease in the body like lung cancer or liver cancer as well as cancer of the pituitary and adrenal glands.

Gynecomastia is totally treatable, so you don't have to feel helpless or like you will have to live with the condition for ever. You may find that your man boobs clear up of their own accord, but some men opt for surgery which can be very costly and not free of risks, so should be considered only in dire circumstances.

If you are using a medication which has man boobs as a side effect then talking to your doctor to get an alternative is essential - this can often be enough to diminish your feminine chest. Man boobs that are the result of steroid use can be hard to get rid of, especially if you have been on steroids for a while. If your man boobs have just started to bud, or they are showing up as sensitive areas near the nipple you can begin by firstly stopping the steroids, some suggest also taking an estrogen blocker. Bodybuilders will often have estrogen blockers around just in case the need arises. Man boobs that are caused by steroids can actually turn into permanent tissue if left untreated for a long time, the only real cure for which is a mamoplasty.

Getting rid of man boobs is not an overnight job, but it is absolutely possible. Look into the causes of your man boobs then find the appropriate natural treatment, and there are many natural and non-invasive ways to treat your man boobs so feeling hopeless is not an option! - 17269

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