Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Most Common Myths about Six Pack abs

By S Kumar

There are numerous six pack abs products in the marketplace for building lean and toned abs.These products claim results which are quite amazing and hence create a dilemma in the minds of people trying to purchase them.This makes it quite difficult for people to make a right choice and get the best results.

The main reason behind this is the amount of over exposure that we are subjected to through magazines, newspapers, TV and the web.These products promise fantastic results but it is common knowledge that many of our acquaintances have failed to get any appreciable result by using these products.In this article let us try to understand the the pitfalls to be avoided and the proper course of action to be taken in order to be able to build lean and toned muscular abs.

First of all we have to understand the primary facts about body building and not become victims of misconceptions.But most of us get trapped by these misconceptions .The most common misconception that we come across is that it is of utmost importance that we exercise everyday in order to gain toned abs.But this is not true.An exercise routine of 3-4 days per week is more than enough to achieve the required level of fitness.The body is to be given time for the growth of muscles and the repairing of tissues.

Another common misconception is that it does not matter if we take Junk Food as long as we do an exercise workout immediately after taking the Junk Food.Majority of us believe this to be true due to the logic behind it,but in fact one has to give up the Junk Food in total if they wish to develop a six pack that they can exhibit with pride. Also the diet should be planned and balanced.

The biggest fable about the building of toned abs is that one should do maximum possible number of sit ups to fully tone the abs and attain six pack abs.The fact is that the exercise module should cover the whole body and not be focused only on the abdominal region. If this is not followed then the chances of gaining toned six pack abs are bleak.The body will extract all the deposited fat from the abdominal zone which is one of the major storing place of fats in the body when the whole body is exercised.

The qualified nutritionist and renowned personal trainer Mike Geary has formulated a an effective strategy for success as follows: * Fad dieting, pills and drugs are not needed in order to gain six-pack abs. * People looking for the 'lazy way' to get six pack abs will never succeed. * His manual explains the 'secrets' of exercising to lose fat in the region of stomach and the science behind why these methods work. * He also provides a diet course which which does require you to starve and explains how to smartly choose the food which does not contain fats. * It is designed for both men & women covering all ages and the body building starts with beginner,intermediate & advanced levels to get maximum results.

With the full knowledge of the do's and don't s of building a toned six pack abs,you are ready to follow a program that is more likely to give you very positive results in the shortest possible time. - 17269

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