Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Insulin And Weight Loss

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is one single hormone you need to focus on if you really want to lose fat once and for all. It is the hormone responsible for most fat loss failures. Why insulin? Because it is the gatekeeper of fat loss.

You see, no matter how much you run, no matter how much you lift weights, no matter how many supplements you take, if insulin is high you will never lose fat.

Thus, here is how to lower insulin for better weight loss:

1. Stick to low GI carbs. Carbohydrates by far have the biggest impact on insulin levels compared to other macronutrients. So if you have anything white in your diet or if drink a lot of liquid calories, it is time to start phasing these foods out.

2. Lose fat ASAP. The more fat you lose, the less insulin your body will produce. This is quite ironic, but true. Some would call this a catch 22. However, simply see it as more motivation to get the ball rolling.

3. Say goodbye to the dopamine rush. Carbohydrates and their broken down form, sugar, increase levels of dopamine in your brain (a feel good hormone). Once you drop the sugar, you will miss this rush more than anything else. The best strategy here is to distract yourself by doing involved activities.

4. Avoid the whole grain mentality. We have been told for far too long that whole grains are healthy. And while they do contain more fiber than sugary foods, they are still NOT optimal for weight loss. We did not evolve over history to eat whole grains.

5. Stay away from alcohol. Alcohol does so many harmful things in your body that I could write a whole book on the subject. In terms of weight loss, alcohol provides an obscene amount of calories while increasing levels of stomach fat. And this type of fat leads to more insulin.

Insulin is the ultimate fat loss gatekeeper. You can pretty much ignore everything else and focus on this one hormone and the weight will come off like a butter through knife. And if you follow the tips in this article, the weight loss will happen that much faster. - 17269

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