Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Getting Rid Of Man Boobs Naturally

By Steve Brodie

Gynecosmastia refers to large breast tissue in men coming from the Greek 'gyne' for woman and 'mastos' for breast. Leaving ancient Greece for a moment, the condition is more commonly referred to as man boobs. There are different reasons behind the formation of man boobs, but the two primary causes are excess fat (the case with obese men) and hormonal imbalances.

Puberty is one of the natural times when man boobs can develop because of natural hormone disruptions. It is not uncommon for boys at puberty to bud small breasts and feel lumps near or under their nipples, but these usually vanish with time. Overweight boys are more susceptible but even active fit youngsters can experience breast development. There are generally no associated health risks for adolescent man boobs except the social stigma often associated with the condition. Boys that have man boobs will often isolate themselves from their peer group and avoid social situations that involve taking off their shirt like sports of beach activities.

Other causes of man boobs can come from a hormonal reaction to different types of medications, too much alcohol (especially beer) taking methamphetamines and marijuana and even from illnesses like cancer or liver disease.

There is another whopping cause of man boobs (leading to man boob epidemics) that can be very difficult to treat and can even become permanent breasts if left untreated, needing a surgeon's knife to fix the problem. Anabolic steroids are the big baddies when it comes to leaving behind a nice pair of man boobs on once bulging pecks - they are leading men into epidemic proportions of gynecomastia. Because steroids have such a profound effect on the hormones in your body, they have a far more drastic and fast development of man boobs than natural hormonal problems. Man boobs that are resultant of steroid use are also more stubborn and if left untreated may actually develop into permanent tissue which can only really be removed by risky (not to mention hard on the hip pocket) male mamoplasty, which is not a great option for any man.

Developing breasts from steroid use is actually quite common. Steroids really disrupt the balance of testosterone and estrogen in the body, and this is why breasts develop. Steroids stop the body's natural testosterone production and if a user doesn't put testosterone back into the body after a cycle of steroids then estrogen will be rampant in the body and feminine hips and breasts will develop. Not exactly the look steroids users would be going for, but a result of steroids nonetheless.

After taking steroids it can take a while for the body's natural testosterone production to begin again and even when it does and hormones go back to normal the breast that have formed often remain. Man boobs from steroids are famous for being harder to get rid of than man boobs from other causes.

Of course the best solution is to avoid steroids at all costs, as the other associated risks like shrunken testicles are no more pleasant than flabby man boobs. For those silly enough to persevere with steroid use there are estrogen blocking drugs that can help stop breast development. Body builders often use estrogen blockers, however there are not sufficient studies on the side effects to know for sure they may not just cause another kind of problem further down the track.

If you suffer from man boobs and haven't taken steroids, rest assured there are plenty of treatment available to naturally reduce man boobs and give you back the flat muscles that once reigned over your chest- given the right diet and lifestyle advice man boobs can be history. If you have steroid induce gynecomastia it may take a bit more time, however you should try every natural remedy prior to surgery, as it can be a costly as risky procedure that may or may not cure the problem. - 17269

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