Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Arm Fat And Low Protein Intakes

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

In an attempt to come up with something new, some arm fat loss programs have begun recommending low protein intakes. So is restricting protein within your diet an effective method for losing arm fat?

Absolutely not.

In an endless attempt to come up with a new angle, diet gurus try to find new and exciting findings to push on the general public. And in this case, lowering your protein intake for losing arm fat could have some very serious health consequences.

So please take a look at the following consequences of extreme protein reduction for arm fat loss:

1. Reduced skin barrier. Your skin is the first thing invading organisms hit when trying to get into your body. If you reduce protein to extremely low levels in the hopes of accelerating arm fat loss, your skin will become thinner. Not good for fighting disease.

2. Compromised digestion. Whenever restricting calories to lose arm fat, you need to be able to extract as much nutrition as possible from whatever you are eating. Unfortunately, low protein intakes will damage your digestive tract membrane.

3. Immune system organ atrophy. There are organs in your body whose sole responsibility is to fight infection. Lymph nodes are one example here. And low protein intakes not only reduce their size, but also reduce the amount of antibodies they secrete.

4. Generalized decrease in immunity. Your body needs protein to manufacture antibodies. It needs protein to fight off the invaders that are constantly trying to make you sick. And less protein decreases the speed and magnitude of your defense response.

5. A decreased metabolic rate. Your body needs complete proteins to fully recover from intense workouts. If you restrict protein, you will not be able to maximize muscle gains from resistance training. And recall that less muscle translates into less muscle mass which translates into slower arm fat loss.

After all is said and done, you are far better off by having a moderate protein intake. The key here is moderation because if you take too much there are also negative consequences. Your body is very smart and it will do everything in its power to avoid extremes. So if you want to lose arm fat moderation is the way to go. - 17269

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