Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Building Muscles Fast Using Supplements

By Molly Robbins

If you're interested in building muscles fast, you should also know that it's quite possible that your diet can't help you do this all by itself. Of course, you need a good diet and you need to eat as many of the right foods as you can, but that may not be enough when it comes to building muscles fast. Building muscles may also require the use of certain supplements so that your bodybuilding efforts are used to best effect so that you can reach your bodybuilding goals as fast as possible.

So how do you do that, then? Eat five or six meals a day so that you know you're getting the calories you need; you'll also need to make sure that your metabolism is humming along, staying in the high range. The meals you eat should consist of real food, but you can also toss in two or three meal replacement shakes if you're not getting enough calories so that you have more help in building muscles fast.

In general, meal replacement powders are about the same across the board when it comes to macronutrients, so it's okay to buy the less expensive versions of these. Make sure the mill replacement powders you buy come from a reputable manufacturer, though. Even if they may cost you a little bit, remember that per serving, meal replacement shakes or powders are going to be much cheaper than making a trip to a fast food restaurant, so make sure you use these powders to get the nutrients you need and are getting enough calories, too. In general, having a meal replacement shake just before or after you've done your workout is a good idea.

Use whey proteins to best effect, because these are very good source of protein that your body can easily absorb. Taking them both after workouts and before bed will help your body rebuild the muscle that you've broken down during your workouts. Again, whey protein is very inexpensive, but make sure you find a source that's reputable. The whey protein you get should have under 100 mg of sodium per serving, and be low in carbs, at under 5 g a serving.

Multivitamins are incredibly important for anyone to stay healthy but especially for those who want to gain muscles fast. Make sure that it has high levels of vitamin C (500mg) and high levels of vitamin E (400mg). Since you are putting your body through a lot of stress while you are building muscles fast, your body will need these more than other people.

Creatine is another supplement that can help give you energy, both to build muscle and nerve cells. There are lots of places you can buy creatine supplements, but make sure you buy from companies with a good reputation. Unflavored creatine is best, since it doesn't contain dextrose and you won't be paying for dextrose, so it will be cheaper for you. Use it with protein powders after your workout instead of before. Take grape juice or some other high carbohydrate but healthy drink along with your creatine.

Glutamine is also another great supplement to take if you want to build muscles fast. It has 60% of the amino acids your body uses. It helps with protein metabolism and is needed for development of your muscles. After your workout you have used about 50% of your glutamine stores and your body will take it from the muscles to replenish it.

Whatever you decide to use make sure that all of the supplements you take come from good manufacturers with a solid reputation. If you take them in the right dosages and use them with a great diet and workout program you will find yourself building muscles fast. - 17269

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