Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Make Your Life A Long And Healthy One Via A Colon Cleanse Diet

By Jared Rite

Next to lung cancer, it is colon cancer that is serves as cancer killer to many. This is basically because of the sad fact that the body have not changed but the food that the body is taking have greatly become quite harmful. The ingredients of many of the food we can but in the market has proven to have adverse effects that turns into various forms of diseases including various types of cancers.

Some of the examples of foods that are unhealthy for the body include those with antibiotics, preservatives, and hormones, refined sugar, white rice, white flour, hydrogenated oil, pasta, corn syrup that is high on fructose, and a lot more that are destroying your system slowly while you do not even have the slightest idea about it. Thus, it is essential that these harmful substances be removed from your body immediately. This is the purpose of bowel movements-to expel wastes from your system.

You can easily determine that you are healthy if you have a regular bowel movement. Regular would mean once a day. If this does not happen to you, you may likely form some diseases. Today's most common bowel problems include constipation. You have it if the toxic debris in the bowel system is not immediately washed away causing it to putrefy and ferment in the body and even be reabsorbed by it. If this happens, your body becomes open to diseases that can lead to death including colon cancer.

To prevent this from happening to you, it is best to detoxify through a colon cleanse diet. Detoxification is a process wherein toxins are either taken out from your body, neutralized or transformed and thereafter clear the excess congestion and mucus. A colon cleanse diet as well as a healthy lifestyle can make this possible.

Colon cleanse diet is basically the avoidance of chemicals in your food, the avoidance of refined food, caffeine, alcohol, sugar and such drugs that contain toxin. Stopping the use of tobacco will also greatly help. It would be ideal to include probiotics in your colon cleanse diet to enable to replenish the intestinal flora. Basically, what your colon cleanse diet should consist of are vegetables and fruits. Lessen your intake of processed and cooked food to help keep off toxin and mucoid plaque from forming in your digestive system.

For those digestive systems however that already built up toxins and plaques, you can still free your system from these undesirables. The rule to follow should be a slow but regular elimination so that toxins will stop from building up and food intake will be properly digested and used by the body. This will allow your nutrition to be optimized to its fullest use that will allow for your body's vitality and rejuvenation. The process may take years, even decades. The important thing is you start it now before it becomes too late. - 17269

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