Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, October 30, 2009

Should You Even Be Considering a Seven Day Weight Loss Diet?

By Peter W.L. Owen

Do specialists and fitness gurus recommend going on a 7 day diet plan? Certain things might be a good enough excuse to go that route such as a friend's wedding or high school reunion. You've also been saving money to buy that blue dress that would go perfect with your new hairstyle.

Well, I guess in that case you could consider a 7 day diet to lose between 11 and 16 pounds in just seven days. So why don't Dietitians recommend it? Let me explain why it's not such as a good idea other than being simply unhealthy.

Your Body Learns to Burn Fat Slower and Slower

Ok so you decide to give the 7 day diet a go. Its instructions clearly states that you're only 1100 calories allowed per day. Most people will laugh at you when you tell them that you only eat 1100 calories per day. What happens to your body? Your body starts to adapt to your current food intake. It adapts because it has to preserve itself. How amazing is that? Your body has its own inelegance.

Your body will still run as normal for the first few days and burn 2500 calories according to your normal diet. Therefore you'll lose weight. But when it senses the dramatic drop in food consumption, it shifts to that survival mode.

So you're finally done with the seven day weight loss diet. What happens next? You would've lost those pounds and fit perfectly into the dress you wanted. You'll also go back to your old habits of consuming 2500 calories per day. Therefore what happens next is quite obvious. Your body will store the extra amount of calories because for the last 7 days it's been trained to burn at a pace of around 1100 calories. The hard cold truth is that your body will also take a bit longer to adapt than before and the result will be devastating. You'll gain more weight than you've lost. See it as a way for the body to protect itself from starvation.

What Do You Suggest Then?

There are a few reasons why you can follow such a weight loss plan. You can follow it to clean your body. It's almost like a kind of "detox week" where you'll get rid of all the bad bacteria in your body. If the sole purpose of the plan is to lose weight very fast then I won't recommend it. Within 3 weeks you'll gain more fat than before. Rather do some proper research and find a diet plan that doesn't promise unrealistic results. The best diet is one where you'll lose weight on continues basis till you've reached your ideal weight. Small portions of food at regular intervals each day have always been a winner. - 17269

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