Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Simple Jump Higher Workout

By Bart Icles

If you are an avid basketball fan or basketball player, then you might have and most possibly thought of learning how to jump higher once in your life. Indeed, there are tons of jump higher programs available in many gyms, sports journals and magazines, and even in the internet. However, not all of these jump higher programs work the same for everybody. It is recommended that before you take on any jump higher workout, you should try to determine what your needs are first. You will also need to identify what specific improvements you would want to achieve so you can better make the most of any jump higher program.

Nevertheless, there is a certain jump higher workout that can work for everybody. It is a simple jump higher routine that you can observe even if you are just at home. That?s right; you need not lock yourself up in the gym for you to simply learn how to improve your vertical jump. All you need is to follow a few simple exercises and you can already be well on your way to jumping higher. However, you should not expect to achieve the same results as what everybody has.

You will need to start with a brisk aerobic exercise. You can either walk briskly or go for some jogging. You can also opt to jump rope for five to ten minutes. This should get you all warmed up for the different exercises ahead. Every other session or so, you can add ankle weights into your warm up regimen but you should not do it every time. You will then need to do some brief stretching and flexing exercises. These can help reduce the possibility of sustaining injuries while performing more complex exercises.

To begin the bulk of the jump higher workout, you will need to lift some weights. Remember to this properly and focus on key muscle groups like your calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Do not overdo weight lifting - only lift weights that will allow you to complete 8 to 10 repetitions with some effort. You will also need to do some crunches and push ups to help strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Most importantly, try to insert high intensity aerobic exercises in between weightlifting sets. Your jump higher workout will also need to cover strengthening your toes. You can do so by doing toe raises. In this manner, you can give the different muscles involved in jumping some much needed workout so you can increase your vertical jump. - 17269

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