Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, October 9, 2009

Why You Should Not Be Fasting-6 Reasons

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

In a never-ending effort to come up with new angles on fat loss, the health industry has created a slew of fad diets over the years. One type of diet that has gained traction is fasting.

Unfortunately, fasting has some major drawbacks for your body and for fat loss. Thus, here are 6 reasons why fasting will thwart your fat loss efforts:

1. Liver drainage. What drains out of your liver? Glycogen. And this can happen in less than a days time. Without glycogen your body doesn't have a mechanism to control blood sugar. Thus, you'll end up with extremely low levels of energy.

2. The transformation of muscle to sugar. Without sugar, the brain shuts down. This is one of the reasons diabetes is so scary. When you fast, sugar becomes depleted in your body. In order to prevent death, your body begins to transform muscle tissue into sugar.

3. The breakdown of organs. Muscle won't be the only target here. Your body will also break down vital organs and tissues, to a lesser degree of course. And cannibalizing your own organs is probably not that healthy?

4. Ketosis. If you fast for an extended period of time, your body will produce ketone bodies to prevent death. Ketone bodies are modified fat fragments that your nervous system can survive on, although not optimal. Thus, you begin to function on inefficient energy sources.

5. No benefits. If you're fasting because you think it's healthy, think again. There hasn't been any peer reviewed research that clearly demonstrates a benefit from fasting. Most likely, fasting will have a negative effect on your health.

6. Metabolic acidosis. Acidosis is not fun. An immediate drawback will be the inability to exercise with intensity. In fact, exercise will become astronomically painful. You'll also lose an abundance of minerals through urine.

What effect do all these factors have on your body? A decreased metabolism. And studies have shown that most people end up bingeing after a fast above and beyond what's needed for weight maintenance. The end result here is a massive rebound in weight and fat gain! - 17269

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