Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The 5 Ab Exercises That Produce Results

By Henry Artigon

The big players in the abdominals business are well aware of the ton of money to be made. In order to get as much of that money as possible they've developed countless products with the objective of keeping you from getting the results you want and instead keep on selling you the lastest device. Unfortunatly the great majority of these machines are not very effective. Don't waste your hard earned money on these time wasters, spend your time on ab exercises that do actually work, and save that precious money while getting what you really want. Just do these five exercises and you'll get the great abs you have been looking for.

#1 - The deadlift is an exercise that is a must for any ab development program. This not an exercise for sissys. You have probably seen huge, musclebound powerlifters performing this on the international competitions. Don't worry, you will not look like one of those guys. Special diets are required to acheive those results. The real benefit you will receive from the deadlift is a good workout of your back, legs and especially your abs.

#2 - The squat is a powerful ab builder. Is is considered to be a leg exercise, however, it also utilizes the ab muscles to keep your body straight while balancing weight on your shoulders. You need to perform the exercise while keeping your abs tense and your chest out. Your legs will certainly get a through workout and your abs will receive great benefit from this exercise.

#3 - Now that we have performed a couple of classic weight exercise routines, this is the perfect time to introduce the Sit Up. This is the classic abdominal exercise and is most effective when performed right after the weight routine to stress the muscles that have just been exercised.

#4 - Another weight based exercise that is very beneficial for the abdominals is the military press. This exercise will produce a great workout for your shoulders, chest and arms. To make this exercise beneficial for your abs you should perform the lift while standing upright. If you do it in a sitting position it won't do much for your abs but will put most strain on your legs. You need to push the weights from shoulder height to over your head while using your abs to keep the body upright and straight.

#5 - The Leg Raise This one requires a small amount of equipment, but nothing that your local gym can't provide. Another great exercise to end your routine with, the leg raise involved hanging from either a chin-up bar or a leg raise frame, and simply raising your legs to your waist, all the while keeping them perfectly straight and pointed. Save this one for the end of your routine -- it'll exhaust your stomach and leave your abs pumped. - 17269

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