Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Acai Berry - Tasty Way to Lose Weight

By Walter Marsaki

Can you think of a food that can help you loose weight and same time taste better. Many people who are trying diets are not happy with results. Many do not have the patience required for the procedure to work or in some other case people simply lack time to pursue fitness regime.

To get a body that is healthy and equally high in energies to function. It needs vitamins, minerals and antioxidants among other important ingredients. And Acai berry fits in to the bill perfectly as a 'Super food' that contains much of items required to keep body in right shape.

This product can be used by anyone who uses any type of diet. Acai berry has two major effects on your body, first it will lower your appetite and after that it will supercharge your cells. This causes your calories to burn.

Using acai berry products cause excess waste and toxins from your body. This cleansing action can shave five to 20 pounds off your weight and give you less a bloated and flatte belly. Adding acai berry to your diet gives you satisfied feeling along with, boost your metabolism, that results in more calories burned.

Hence Acai berry nutrients can be said to help . Burn fat efficently . Process food faster . Remove unwanted extra pounds.

Acai berry contains Amino Acids,fatty acids,fiber and phytosterols a brief examining of them will assist in understanding how they aid in weight loss.

Amino Acids: It work as protein building blocks that help muscles operate correctly. They also mend muscles as in strenous exercise other similar activities.

Fatty acids:The aci berry is loaded with Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids,both of which help boost metabolism and to satisfy fully hunger.

Fiber: Like most fruit Acai has good amount of fiber that helps push food through your digestive system. In addition,it shortens time food stays in your digestive tract. This means food items you consume has less time to be absorbed by your body and hence get stored as fat. This element also helps your hunger as well.

Phytosterols: Aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system,fortify your digestive system so that it absorbs nutrients better and remove waste more effectively.

So in order to loose weight with Acai berry use it as a supplement to a effective health improving diet. It is impractical to expect to eat high fat,sugar rich foods and then take an acai supplement like a magic pill. So to lose weight you need to practice healthy eating habits along with adding acai berry to your diet.

Finally, adding Acai to your diet is an easy way to boost your metabolism and repair muscles. - 17269

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