Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Toned Arms-How To Get Them While Avoiding Your Purse From Getting Lighter

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The supplement industry is highly unregulated. So unregulated that the majority of supplements simply do not work.

Unfortunately, many women spend countless amounts of money every year only to find that the magic pills aren't getting them anywhere. Having said that, there are certain supplements that are effective for very specific applications.

And having knowledge about ineffective supplements is beneficial so that you don't fall into the buying traps.

So without further ado, here are supplements you should NOT be spending money on when trying to get toned arms:

1. Amino acids. Bodybuilders love amino acids because they believe they increase muscle mass. And more muscle mass translates into more calories burned which would accelerate arm toning. The problem here, however, is that amino acids compete for absorption.

2. Energy formulations. First we saw red bull, then a whole host of other companies hit the market each offering the next best bang. The main problem with all of these drinks and pills is that their high caffeine content wreaks havoc on the female body from many different physiological standpoints. Only use them in emergencies.

3. MRP's. Also known as meal replacement powders, they come with the promise of being able to replace a meal. Well, the truth is that a packet of powder will never be able to rival a balanced meal in terms of nutritional quality.

4. Tubs of protein. The supplement industry would have you believe that taking endless scoops of protein will help you burn fat, build muscle and live forever! Well, the truth is that your body does a much better job of absorbing protein in its solid form.

5. Fat blockers. Stay away from anything that blocks the absorption of fat. Dietary fat is critical for the production of arm fat burning hormones in your body. It also helps get more nutrients into your active tissues.

If you're trying to get toned arms please do not waste your money on ineffective supplements. Your purse may get lighter but your arms will not! Stick to whole foods and you'll reach your sexy arm goal much quicker. - 17269

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