Fat Loss 4 Idiots Opinion

Friday, November 20, 2009

Competing with 20 year Olds at 35 Years Old

By Landon Corton

I always thought that'-23 was my prime. I was out with the ladies and worked out all the time and felt generally good overall. I played sports at the time as well and was a fairly good athlete both in high school and in college. I never thought it would come to this.

If you have ever participated in a sport your realize all the attention given to being in good condition. You run at practice and then you do a conditioning period shortly after practice all in an attempt to get you into "game shape." The hope is to get you playing your best during games by being in excellent condition prior to the games.

Prior to ever making it to the field we were asked to participate in pre-season training. This was typically weight lifting and plyometric workout (jump training) coupled with regular sport drills. All of this was designed to get into shape and to hone your athletic skills. All of this activity put me in very good shape and I was ready to play my chosen sports.

Get out on the field and participate with some of these younger guys and I think you will surprise yourself. If you have taken good care of yourself and put your fitness knowledge to good use you should perform better than most of the younger guys. Many of them just lack the short cuts and think that working harder will make up for working smarter. You are proof you can workout smarter not harder.

The first smart workout I learned dealt with intensity in my workouts. The level of intensity you bring to your workout will determine the results you get, especially the older you get. Intensity is an interesting thing because you can struggle to get results without it. Far too often people go to the gym to look pretty and just to say they went. They don't actually care about the results as much as they think they do, they care about their actions.

Food was my second secret to a great workout. Once I shifted the way I ate not only did I workout better I worked out smarter. The food you eat has the power to take you and your fitness ability to the next level.

Take these smart workout tips and head into the gym with confidence. Know you can be on the same level as any younger athlete if you work smarter not harder, just steer clear of the injuries and you will thank me. - 17269

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